The University of Glasgow is looking for volunteers to take in the Munro Challenge 2005.

The third event of its kind, the aim is to put University representatives on top of as many of Scotland's 284 Munros as possible.

Participants in this year's event are being encouraged to raise funds for the University Field Station at Rowardennan. Situated on the Loch Lomond shores, the biological field station carries out fundamental and applied research and teaching to graduate and post-graduate level students, in the fields of ecology and environmental science.

Teams should be between two and eight persons, with at least one person in each team being an experienced walker.

The challenge will take place between 28 May and 5 June and all participants will be asked to sign a disclaimer and be provided with safety guidelines. As an added incentive, there will be a photography competition for the best photographs taken at the top with some excellent prizes on offer - sponsors to date include Stravaigin, Di Maggio's, Glasgow Film Theatre (GFT), and Cotswold Outdoor.

Previous Munro challenges at the University have been a great success. The Munro Challenge in 2002 raised £9, 700 for the BHF Glasgow Cardiovascular Research Centre currently being built on University Avenue. Approximately 180 peaks were climbed and an estimate 700 walkers took part.

To register for the Munro of your choice, contact Susanne Hill on or 0141 330 2132 - all hills will be allocated on a fi rst come fi rst served basis, so get your friends together and form a team. Munro Challenge is open to the public.

For more details of the University Field Station in Rowerdennan see: University Field Station website.

Media Relations Office (

First published: 25 April 2005

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