Thursday, January 16, 2003 from 6 - 7pm in the Bute Hall.

The Holocaust in Court: History, Memory and the Law

Professor Richard Evans, FBA; Cambridge University

Free and open to all without ticket. External Relations and Marketing, 2 The Square, University of Glasgow. Tel 0141 330 4994.

A series of Holocaust Memorial Lectures in the University was initiated in 2001 by Professor Bernard Wasserstein of the Department of Modern History.

The first lecture, entitled Genocide, Religion and Modernity, was given on 24 January 2001 by Professor Ian Kershaw of the University of Sheffield. The second lecture entitled The Wehrmacht, War and the Holocaust, was given on 29 January 2002 by Visiting Leverhulme Professor Jrgen F￶rster.

The third lecture in this prestigious series will be given by Professor Richard Evans, FBA, from Cambridge University, who has been honoured world-wide for his contribution to the study of German history.

Media Relations Office (

First published: 16 January 2003

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