Prevent UK (Counter-Terrorism Strategy)

What is Prevent?

'Prevent' is one of the four pillars that make up CONTEST, the UK Government's Counter-Terrorism Strategy. The other three pillars are 'Pursue', 'Protect' and 'Prepare'. It aims to reduce the risk of UK citizens and those who reside in the UK becoming terrorists or supporting terrorism. Scotland aims to deliver this strategy within a Scottish landscape to reduce the risk of terrorism in our country so that our people can live freely and with confidence.


PREVENT - To stop people from becoming terrorists and/or supporting terrorism
PURSUE - To stop terrorist attacks occurring in the UK
PROTECT - To strengthen the UK's protection against terrorist attacks
PREPARE - To mitigate the impact of terrorist attacks

How does this impact the University of Glasgow?

As stated in the Counter-Terrorism & Security Act 2015, UK universities and all other public bodies in the UK have a statutory duty 'to have due regard to the need to prevent people from being drawn into terrorism'.

How do we carry out our statutory duty?

In short, 'Prevent' is about safeguarding individuals from being drawn into terrorism, ensuring that those who may be vulnerable to extremist and terrorist narratives are given the appropriate advice and support at an early stage. Prevent is no different from any other form of safeguarding from harm.

Are lecturers being asked to spy on students?

No. The implementation of this strategy is about equipping those who have a duty of care to young people with an understanding of the factors that could make someone vulnerable to the radicalisation process.

Tutors help to safeguard students from drugs and alcohol misuse, bullying and mental health issues by signposting to the correct support. Radicalisation can have a similarly devastating effect on our young people and protecting them from the influence of extremist ideas is a part of the overall safeguarding role of the staff body.

Does 'Prevent' focus on any particular communities?

Certainly not. Preventative activity in Scotland focuses on addressing all forms of violent extremist activity. The early identification of risk to a vulnerable individual is the primary aim of this strategy, and our team.

If I have a concern, what should I do?

If you are a member of staff who is concerned that a student may be vulnerable to the influences of radical extremist ideologies, regardless of what these ideologies may be, please contact Gary Stephen on 07834 389933. Alternatively, the Security team can be contacted on 0141 330 4282, or 0141 330 4444 in the event of an emergency.