Dear Colleagues,

As you will know, COP26 (The UN Climate Change Conference) will be taking place in Glasgow at the Scottish Exhibition Centre (SEC) from 31 October-12 November 2021.

The University is committed to supporting COP26 and its goals of reducing carbon emissions and tackling climate change.

However, we recognise it will mean some disruption to transport networks during this period, with the possibility of severe disruption on 1-2 November.

We’d like to assure colleagues that the University is not closing any of our campuses during the two weeks of the conference. This includes the University Library and study spaces.

The majority of classes which are currently scheduled to take place face-to-face on campus will continue to run during the period of the conference, but we will be flexible and seek to support students and staff who face transport difficulties. Where there are any changes to the timetable, students will be advised by their School about alternative arrangements.

The University is due to host a number of events related to COP26; please note that no teaching has been cancelled to accommodate these.

Because of the likely transport disruption, we are asking colleagues who do not have essential activities on campus to work from home during the period 31 October-12 November (inclusive) where possible. Colleagues should direct any queries to line managers in the first instance.

Please see the Get Ready Glasgow website for more details on traffic and travel arrangements during COP26.

The University is running a programme of events in the run-up to, and throughout COP26 – please see our COP Events pages for more details. You can also find out more about the University’s response to the climate emergency on our Sustainability webpages.

With best wishes,


David Duncan

Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary

First published: 1 October 2021