The following email was sent to all students at the University this week.

Industrial Action update

As previously indicated, UCU (the trade union representing academic and professional support staff) has called for further strike action on the following days:

  • Thursday 20 & Friday 21 February
  • Monday 24, Tuesday 25 & Wednesday 26 February
  • Monday 2, Tuesday 3, Wednesday 4 & Thursday 5 March
  • Monday 9, Tuesday 10, Wednesday 11, Thursday 12, Friday 13 March

We are genuinely sorry that industrial action called by the UCU will once again cause disruption to some academic programmes. At this stage we do not know the extent of the disruption but expect that most classes will continue as normal; students are encouraged to attend classes unless specifically advised not to do so.

As a University, we will do everything we can to minimise the impact on students during the industrial action. As part of this we have reached an agreement with the local UCU branch that:

  • Students will not be discouraged from crossing picket lines or attending classes during the industrial action.
  • The Union will encourage members taking industrial action to inform their students in advance.
  • Those taking industrial action will collaborate in identifying coursework that will not be covered as a consequence of strike action and support the adjustment of assessments as necessary.
  • The union will instruct its members to follow requests from line managers regarding the prioritisation of work when they are not on strike.

Regarding the issues under dispute, we believe strongly that the results of the recent negotiations between the employers and the UCU at national level should be put to union members for their views, and that industrial action should be suspended in the meantime.

David Duncan
Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary
University of Glasgow

First published: 17 February 2020