Explorathon in pictures

Published: 3 October 2016

Explorathon, the largest celebration for European Researchers’ Night across Scotland, returned last Friday.

Explorathon, the largest celebration for European Researchers’ Night across Scotland, returned last Friday for the third year.

A host of researchers from the University of Glasgow showcased their work to the public with events throughout the day at different venues across the city.

The day culminated with the ‘Explorathon Extravaganza’ in which the Glasgow Science Centre opened their doors, free of charge for one night only. Inside scientific research was brought to life through talks, hands-on activities and comedy. 

Jamie Gallagher, Public Engagement Officer said: "Explorathon has been bigger and better than ever! We had every School and Institute out and about across the City sharing the groundbreaking work happening here at Glasgow." 

Jamie on Facebook Live at Explorathon

UofG Public Engagement Officer Jamie Gallagher led a tour of the Explorathon Extravaganza on Facebook Live. Watch it at: Explorathon Extravaganza 2016 LIVE


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First published: 3 October 2016

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