FullStop to harassment

Published: 17 November 2015

This week's FullStop scenario highlights exclusion. Help the UofG tackle harassment.

One of the reasons we wanted to run this campaign was the fact that a lot of harassment and bullying isn't overt.  Sometimes it's really just thoughtlessness or plain old meanness. Like making people feel they are not part of the team, just because they don't conform to our way of doing things. It's a form of harassment and the University and SRC have joined forces to put a FullStop to bullying and harassment on Campus.

Image of FullStop poster 17 - exclusion equals harassmentOur Dignity at Work and Study policy is simple:

The University of Glasgow is committed to fostering a working, learning and research environment where mutual respect and dignity is experienced by and between employees and students. The University aims to promote a culture where differences are welcomed, harassment and bullying are known to be unacceptable and where allegations are dealt with in fair and timely fashion, and without fear of victimisation.

FullStop will highlight the sorts of behaviour that can constitute harassment and bullying.  And if you've got your own stories, please share them with us:

Email: communications@glasgow.ac.uk

You can also speak in absolute confidence to one of the University's network of trained volunteers who are here to help. The Volunteer Harassment Network supports staff and students who think they may be experiencing bullying or harassment.

For more information visit Volunteer Harrassment Network.

FullStop has its own webpages with lots more information and week-by-week you'll find downloads there of the campaign posters: glasgow.ac.uk/fullstop .

First published: 17 November 2015