Learning & Teaching Enhancement and Change Forum
The LTEC forum provides a single point of contact for all change request activity relating to learning and teaching tools, including enhancement requests for the VLE and new software requests
Make a change request
- Does change/enhancement take forward one or more objectives of the Learning & Teaching strategy?
- Is the benefit or functionality provided by the change/enhancement unique and/or a significant improvement on existing provision?
- Does the change/enhancement comply with GDPR, digital accessibility, information security and procurement guidelines?
Requests will only be taken forward if the answer is “yes” to each of the above points.
Further considerations will include:
- Does the request replace an existing service/platform? If so, how will this change be managed and supported?
- What is the proposed timing of the request? Are there benefits to be achieved from a faster or slower implementation?
- What is the budget and/or staffing implication of the change? Is this a single or recurring cost?
- If a new service, who should become service owner and where should responsibility for the service sit?
- Is this a subject/school/college/institution level enhancement?
- The background and track record of the vendor along with experience of other institutions.
- Data integration with existing platforms and user experience accessing new platform.
Consider use of existing University software and tools
Third-party tools may not meet University requirements and there may be existing University software and online tools available without having to use any third-party tools.
- Find out more about the software, online tools and technologies that are supported by the University for learning and teaching.
Unlicensed, free or unsupported online tools should never be used for summative assessment.
Consult with the LTEC Forum
If existing software, online tools and technologies do not meet your needs and you are considering the use of a third-party tool or service for teaching, please consult first with the Learning & Teaching Enhancement and Change Forum (LTEC Forum).
The LTEC Forum can confirm if the technology or service has been approved for use, if support is available for it and that the product is licensed.
If you cannot use University supported or approved software and tools
If you have confirmed you cannot use an existing approved tool or service, you must conduct some due diligence checks and activities to ensure legal compliance before using another third-party tool.
Due diligence checks and activities
Lifecycle and support
- Some third-party tools may grant free access but this might expire after a time or will not provide full access to key functionality.
- Some services require you to enter payment details before use, then charge you automatically after the trial period has expired - unless you cancel first.
- You may be responsible for ensuring any third-party tool or service that is not managed or supplied by your IT support is kept up to date.
- If the tool or service stops working, is no longer supported, or is removed (potentially without warning), this will impact staff and students' work.
Terms and conditions
Third party services, whether paid-for or free, are subject to contractual terms and conditions, which are normally not negotiable.
In accordance with the University’s procurement policy, the terms and conditions of a third party service need to be reviewed by the University's Contract team.
Data protection and privacy
Please consider the collection of personal and other data and how it will be used, including:
- privacy notices (states how individuals' data will be used)
- data sharing with third parties (to ensure compliance with data protection legislation)
- Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) (this may be required)
Contact the Data Protection & Freedom of Information Office for more advice on personal data and data sharing.
Digital accessibility
Does the tool/service have an accessibility statement and does it comply with current legislation so that everyone can use it?
If you do not know if the tool or service meets the Digital Accessibility Regulations, ask the service provider if their product meets the Public Sector Bodies (Websites and Mobile Applications) (No. 2) Accessibility Regulations 2018. You can also ask if the service is WCAG 2.1 AA compliant.
Accounts and security
Use your University email address when registering or setting up an account for third-party software that will be used for teaching. You must use a different (and strong) password to the one you use to log in to University systems.
About the LTEC Forum
The LTEC Forum aims to:
- Provide a single point of contact for all change request activity relating to learning and teaching tools, including enhancement requests for the VLE and new software requests.
- Provide an initial view on the suitability and practicality of any software request against set criteria.
- Assist in setting a priority rating for change or enhancement requests.
- Oversee change activity and make recommendations to where ownership should sit (school/college /centrally).
- Report to Learning & Teaching Committee and provide project updates to IPSC.
- Dave Anderson - Convenor, Director of Business Relationship Management and Engagement
- Neeraj Bhardwaj - Digital Education Unit Manager
- Heather Corley - Information Services Communications Manager
- Vicki Dale - Senior Academic and Digital Development Adviser (University Lecturer)
- Caitlin Diver - Administrator for the Academic Writing Skills Programme
- John Kerr - Learning Innovation Support Unit Manager
- Nic Kipar - Deputy Director (Academic and Digital Development)
- Anna Phelan - IT Services Assistant Director Business Systems
- Sophie Mason - Digital Education Co-Ordinator
- Jolanta Hudson - University Lecturer
- Gordon McLeod - Arts E-Learning Innovation Officer
- Mary McVey - Life Sciences Senior Lecturer
- Helena Paterson - Psychology Lecturer
- Amanda Sykes - World Changing Glasgow Academic Lead
- Gemma Tougher - Information Compliance & Records Management Specialist
- Tracy Wilkinson - IT Services Systems Development Manager
- Drew McConnell - Information Services Information Officer