Use Echo360 for personal recording
You can use Echo360 to make recordings on your PC, Windows laptop or Mac.
Install Echo360 software
Echo360’s lecture capture software is called Universal Capture. You can install Universal Capture directly from Echo360 or through Moodle.
System requirements:
- Universal Capture Specifications (Echo360 website)
Install from Echo360
- Login to Echo360 using your UofG email address and your password.
- From the Universal Capture: Personal area of the Downloads page, select the link to download the installer appropriate for the type of computer/operating system you are running.
- Once the file is downloaded, open it and follow the steps on the Echo360 Universal Capture set up wizard displayed.
Install from Moodle
- Go to a Moodle course and turn editing on.
- Select + Add an activity or resource then Echo 360 Lecture Recordings from the list.
- Select Add.
- Add a name for the Activity and select Save and return to course. You have now created your Moodle course in Echo360 and also installed yourself as the instructor for the course in Echo360. This will allow you to publish Echo360 content to the Moodle course.
- Open your Echo360 content in Moodle and select the Settings icon in the top right corner. It looks like a gear.
- Select Downloads from the menu.
- From the Universal Capture: Personal area of the Downloads page, select the link to download the installer appropriate for the type of computer/operating system you are running.
After downloading, select or double click the installer file and follow the prompts. Be sure to select local directories for installation or retain the defaults (as opposed to using a network or server drive/location).
Problems logging in to Echo360
- If you can’t login using your UofG email address and password, contact the UofG Helpdesk
Record a video
- Open Echo360 Universal Capture.
- Choose your video inputs from the drop-down menu at the top of each video window. You can have up to 2 video inputs. For example, you might have a presentation in input 1 and a video of yourself speaking in input 2.
- Choose your audio input from the drop-down menu underneath the microphone icon.
- Choose where to save your video. Select on the pencil icon or on Edit capture details to edit your video file’s information and choose where to save it.
- You can add tags and a description to help you find the content later.
- You can save directly to a course or to your library. If you save to a course, the video will be published on that course once processed and available to anyone enrolled on that course in Moodle. If you don’t want the video to be immediately available, you can save to your library, and then make any changes you need before publishing to a course.
- Select record when you’re ready to start. You can pause, stop or cancel the recording at any time by selecting record again.
Edit a video
You can edit videos in Echo360. This includes recordings you have made in Zoom that are saved in your Echo360 library. Watch the video guide below for how to do this directly from Moodle.
To edit a video in Echo360:
- Log in to Echo360 to access your content library.
- Select a tile to open the Media Details page.
- Choose Edit media. This opens the editing interface.
- You can trim the ends and cut segments from your video. Use the playback controls to preview your changes. A full explanation of the editing tools is on the Echo360 website: Editing a video
- Remove all the changes you’ve made when editing by selecting Restore.
- Save your changes by selecting Save.
- Save a copy of your file by choosing Save As.
More information
- Editing a video (Echo360 website)
Edit transcripts and captions
All videos must have a transcript and/or closed captions so that they are fully accessible for all students and comply with the University's Digital Accessibility guidance for audio and video.
Echo360 will auto-transcribe a transcript for you. You can edit this to make it more accurate – aim for good, not perfect! You can also use this as the basis for your closed captions.
Transcripts will be available once the media is uploaded or created and appear after processing.
Edit a transcript
You can edit a transcript directly in Echo360:
- Log in to Echo360 to access your content library.
- Access the transcript through the Media tile menu (in your Echo 360 content library) or through the Media Details page.
- Choose Edit transcript. This will open the transcript editor.
- The transcript editor will display a playback window of your video on the left and the current transcript on the right. Choose Edit transcript (above the current transcript window) to make changes.
- Select any text or speaker to edit. You can undo, redo and cancel changes as needed.
- To save your changes, choose Save as new version. The version of the transcript you have just created will be the one that is shown when people watch your video.
You can also download the transcript and edit it using word processing or text editor software:
- Select a media tile in your Content library to open the Media Details page.
- On the bottom right of the Media Details page, find Transcript and choose Update. Select Download original from the drop-down menu.
- Edit the transcript in your word processing or text editor software, making sure to save your file as a .vtt file for upload to Echo360.
- To add your edited transcript to the video on Echo360, go to the Media Details page for your video file. Choose Update next to Transcript.
- Choose Upload and select your saved .vtt file.
The Echo360 website provides further detailed guidance on editing transcripts outside Echo360.
Edit and add captions
Echo360 provides guidance on how you can use the auto-generated transcript as a closed captions file:
- Applying Updated Transcripts as Closed Captions (Echo360 website)
To view closed captions on a video, select the CC button in the playback panel.
Guidelines on transcription for recorded lectures
- Transcription guidance for on-campus recorded lectures follows the University’s Digital Accessibility guidelines for audio and video.
More information on transcripts
- Accessing the Echo360 Transcript Editor (Echo360 website)
- Editing Transcripts Outside Echo 360 (Echo360 website)
- W3C guidance on best practice when transcribing video content
Add content to Moodle
You must do this in order to be able to publish Echo360 content to a Moodle course.
- Go to a Moodle course and turn editing on.
- Select + Add an activity or resource then Echo360 Lecture Recordings from the list.
- Select Add.
- Add a name for the Activity (for example, Course videos or Lecture recordings) and select Save and return to course or Save and display.
Add Echo360 videos to a Moodle course
This is the process to follow if you are adding multiple videos for a Moodle course, for example, multiple lectures you have recorded in Echo360.
- Turn on Editing in Moodle and go to the Echo360 activity you have created.
- Now you can create the specific class where the media will be found e.g. Week 1 Monday. In Echo360 you need to associate a video (or presentation) with a class. You can only associate one video with one class.
- Select New class, fill in the details (name of class, date, time) and choose OK. You can edit the class details at any time by selecting the pencil icon next to the class name.
- Next to the name of the class you have created, select the plus icon and choose Add video.
- You can either upload a video from your computer (Upload a file) or choose one from your personal Echo360 library. (Import from your library).
- If uploading a file, the video will take a few minutes to process. When it is ready to view a green play icon will appear next to the class. The video associated with this class will now be available to view in Moodle. You can only associate one video with a class.
- If you select the green play icon next to the class, you will be able to view the video. You can also edit the video details, the video, and the transcript from this menu. (See for more on this.)
To add more videos, create more classes by going to the course you have created in Echo360 and choose New class, then repeat the process above.
More information
- Adding/Publishing a Video to a Class (Echo360 website)
Adding more videos to a Moodle course through +Add an activity or resource
Echo360 allows you to split courses into sections.
If you add Echo360 through +Add an activity or resource when Echo360 has already been added to a Moodle course (e.g. by yourself or another staff member), you will see three options under the heading Connect your Echo360 content:
Link to existing section content
This allows you to choose one of the individual Echo360 videos that have already been added to the Moodle course.
Link to existing section home page
This allows you to link to the videos that have already been added and add more videos to the course.
Create new section
This can be useful if you want to group particular videos separately to others, e.g. for lab or tutorial content.
This creates a new section with the original course name and an automated consecutive number (e.g. How To Moodle 002). You can add classes and videos as before.
Embed Echo360 videos in Moodle content
This is useful if you want to add one-off videos to your Moodle content, from your Echo360 Library. It doesn’t create a course or class in Echo360.
- Embedding media into Moodle (Echo360 website)