Cordiale quattuor novissimorum [English]. Of the four last things.
Translated from the French of Jean Miélot by Anthony Wydeville (or Woodville), Earl Rivers.
[Westminster]: William Caxton, 24 Mar. 1478/9.
Fol. [1-98 106]. [78] leaves, the first and last blank.
The original Latin text is ascribed to Dionysius Carthusiensis and to Gerardus de Vliederhoven.
ISTC ic00907000; Goff C907; BMC XI 112; Duff 109; DeR(C) 33; Bod-inc C-457; GW 7536.
Shelf-mark: | Sp Coll Hunterian Bv.2.21 (see main library entry for this item) |
Note: | On 8/5v (f. 61v), the final two lines of type are reversed (as in all known copies) and the error is indicated with the manuscript letters “b” and “a” written before the respective lines (cf. BMC). |
Provenance: | Francis Watson (17th century): ‘Franncys Watson’ on 7/1r (f. 49r). Darbye (17th/18th century): ‘Darbye unto mye lorde Harlye’ on 8/4v (f. 60v). Edward Harley (1689-1741), Lord Harley; from 1724 2nd Earl of Oxford: see DeR(C) 33(3). Thomas Osborne (d. 1767), bookseller: purchased all the Harleian printed books; no. 1544 in Osborne’s 'Catalogus bibliothecae Harleianae', vol. 3 (London: 1744) and no. 1767 in his 'Catalogus bibliothecae Harleianae', vol. 5 (London: 1745). James West (1703-1772), politician and antiquary: lot 1873 in 'Bibliotheca Westiana' (1773). William Hunter (1718-1783), physician and anatomist: purchased at the West sale for £14.0.0 according to the annotated copy of the West sale catalogue in University of Glasgow Library (shelfmark Mu31-a.9). University of Glasgow: Hunterian bequest 1807; Hunterian Museum bookplate and book label on front pastedown, with former shelfmark “Ab.9.9”. |
Binding: | England, 18th-century gold-tooled red goatskin; covers decorated with a border built up of a narrow tooth roll and of separate tools depicting a single flower in an urn within an architectural arch, the arch surmounted by a globe; gold-tooled spine with two green leather labels and a ‘Gothic window’ design in the remaining four compartments; dark blue paper pastedowns; gilt-edged leaves; green silk bookmark; see Bv.2.13, Bv.2.16, Bv.2.19 for identical bindings (and for the same border see BMC XI, 122, IB. 55040, and Christie's, London, Wentworth sale, 8 July 1998, lot 2 'bound for James West'). Size: 270 x 197 mm. |
Leaf size: | 261 x 185 mm. |
Annotations: | Several marginal annotations in English in a 16th-century hand (some of which refer to the torments of Hell); two inscriptions in English in 16th/17th-century hands on 10/5v (f. 77v), the second containing a reference to a “Mr Pettypher”; several “nota” marks, occasional underlining and pointing hands; on 10/2r (f. 74r) line 1, the word “Pope” has been erased; on 10/4v (f. 76v), two references to “our holy fader the Pope” (lines 6 and 22-23), a reference to pilgrimages to St James of Galicia (lines 17-18), and a reference to the indulgence of “Scala celi” (line 27) have all been erased - the references to the Pope in line 6 and the pilgrimages to St James in lines 17-18 have been reinstated in manuscript in a slightly altered form of words from those of the original printed text; title and a reference to “Ames 6” written on fourth front flyleaf and a reference in the same hand to the date of printing on first rear flyleaf. |
Decoration: | Initials and paragraph marks supplied in red. |
Imperfections: | Wanting the first and final blank leaves. |