Education Policy and Strategy Committee Remit
It is the role of the Education Policy and Strategy Committee (EdPSC), working on its own and through its sub-committees1, to advise Senate on educational policy, strategy and resource issues (undergraduate, postgraduate and other). There is two-way communication between EdPSC and its sub-committees, with all contributing to policy and strategy. The EdPSC will, from time to time, establish a small number of short-life working groups to progress specific projects within its remit. EdPSC will receive reports from the Equality and Diversity Committee on student related matters. It will also receive the minutes of the Deans of Graduate Studies Committee for information.
To review, develop and promote the University’s Learning and Teaching Strategy within the context of the University’s strategic ambition to be recognised as one of the best in the world.
To review, develop and promote University educational policies that support the University’s Learning & Teaching Strategy, that assure and enhance the quality of its educational provision, and that maintain academic standards.
Specifically EdPSC will
- Ensure that the Learning & Teaching Strategy is dynamic, relevant, forward-looking and integrated within the University Strategic Plan through its ongoing development and review.
- Assure and enhance the quality of educational provision and maintain academic standards.
- Ensure that the educational programmes offered by the University:
- are innovative, attractive, accessible, flexible and viable;
- attract, accommodate and retain students with talent and potential from diverse backgrounds;
- promote the employability of students.
- The sub-committees of EdPSC currently include: Academic Standards Committee (ASC) and its framework of sub-groups; and the Learning & Teaching Committee (LTC);
- Promote innovations in learning, teaching and assessment embracing new pedagogies and technologies in support of the enhancement of the student experience.
- Engage in horizon scanning to anticipate and prepare for new opportunities and likely future developments in learning and teaching.
- Develop, review and promote the professional development of staff to enhance their skills in learning, teaching and assessment.
- Promote and oversee the educational elements of strategic alliances and partnerships (national and international) as appropriate in support of excellence in provision, to enhance the University’s status as an international institution.
- Promote equal opportunities within the academic framework.
Originally approved by Senate: 16 November 2006
Updated: 29 November 2007, 5 November 2008, 10 December 2009, 24 October 2011
The composition is:
- Vice Principal (Learning & Teaching) [Convener]
- Clerk of Senate & Vice Principal
- Heads of Colleges (Vice Principals & Heads of College)
- College Deans of Learning & Teaching
- Convener of Academic Standards Committee
- Convener of Learning & Teaching Committee
- Convener of Student Support & Development Committee, if not the Clerk of Senate
- Convener of the Deans of Graduate Studies Committee
- Two members elected from and by Senate
- One member elected from and by Court
- President of the Students' Representative Council (SRC)
- SRC Vice President (Learning & Development)
- Director of the Careers Service
- Equality & Diversity Officer
- Director of IT Services
- University Librarian
- Director of the Learning & Teaching Centre
- Director of Recruitment & International Office
- Head of Registry
- Director of Academic Policy & Governance
- Director of Student Services