Withdrawal of Programmes

The withdrawal of programmes requires approval by the College Board of Studies. Please contact Academic Policy & Governance (ruth.cole@glasgow.ac.uk in the first instance) if there are any concerns regarding the appropriate management and resourcing of the final student cohorts in the programme being withdrawn.

Once an approved withdrawal is processed on PIP, External Relations will be notified automatically, although Schools should liaise with External Relations earlier if they are aware of any applicants to the programme.

Information and Publicity

  • External Relations will review arrangements for current applicants to facilitate application for places on other programmes, or at other universities.
  • External Relations will update their publicity and prospectus information.
  • Schools must review their publicity to ensure that the status of the programme is updated in all online information and other documentation.

Schools must also ensure that there is no discriminatory effect of withdrawing a programme. Proposers should consult the University’s Equality Impact Assessment guidance here.

If you wish to withdraw a research programme, approval for this should be sought from the College (via the Graduate School or Higher Degrees Committee) and then Academic Policy & Governance should be informed via Ruth Cole (ruth.cole@glasgow.ac.uk).