Course and Programme Approval

Consultation Requirements for Course Amendments

Schools have the authority to approve all course changes without the need for College approval. Previously consultations with students/applicants and external academics were mandatory except in the case of simple corrections. This position has been reviewed and it has been agreed that there should be no blanket requirement for consultations. Rather, the significance of the proposed changes should be considered: where the proposal represents substantive change, consultations should be carried out. It is important to note that consultations are a critical part of the approval process as they provide the opportunity for independent review of the proposal. External academic consultation provides a crucial element of objectivity in helping the University to maintain academic standards at the appropriate level. In addition, consultation with students is an important aspect of informing them of likely changes to provision, which not only contributes positively to student experience but ensures that the University complies with its obligations under Consumer Protection legislation. The proposer’s decision on whether to conduct consultations must therefore be considered carefully. Proposers should be aware that, in scrutinising a proposed course change, the School may judge that the changes are so significant that consultations are required. An early discussion with School approval committees may therefore be advisable.

It is still expected that most changes will require consultation. The following table, referring to different fields in the course specification, provides some pointers as to when changes should be considered as substantive:

Field   Consultations required Consultations not required
2, 26 Course title/short title Change reflecting a substantive change to course content. Change to reflect the course’s existing content more accurately.
6 Short description Change reflecting a substantive change to content, structure, assessment, mode of provision  
7, 8, 9 Requirements of entry/co-requisites/excluded courses*

Reflecting a substantive difference in required previous study, or where content of course(s) is changing significantly.

Where this reflects the renaming/direct replacement of previous courses.
15, 16 Course aims/ILOs Removal, addition, re-prioritisation, or substantive change to aims and/or ILOs. Minor amendments/clarifications.
17 Learning & Teaching Methods

Introduction or removal of a teaching method.

Substantive reallocation of hours between different teaching methods.
Minor reallocation of contact hours between different teaching methods.
18 Minimum requirement for the award of credit Any introduction/removal of requirements additional to the standard requirement for submission of 75% of assessment.  
19, 20 Summative assessment methods

Introduction/removal of new assessment method(s).

Increasing weight of a component from less than 25% to more than 25% (meaning that its completion is required for the award of credit).

Minor adjustment to weighting or requirements of existing methods, e.g. changed weighting of exam:coursework from 40:60 to 25:75, change of essay wordcount from 4000 to 5000.

Changes to come in line with any agreed School policy on assessment methods/weightings.

21 Availability of reassessment Any new limitation on availability of reassessment.  
22 Formative assessment methods Any reduction.  
23 Grading basis Any.  
25 Exam duration   Any change (Schedule D of the Code of Assessment sets out accepted parameters).
29 Location Any.  
33, 34 Collaborative/other teaching institutions Any – consult Academic Collaborations in Academic Policy & Governance.  
35 Mode of delivery Any.  

* Learning & Teaching Administrator/School Office in other Schools whose students may take the course should be alerted.

Previously proposers were required to consult with Space Management & Timetabling for course changes where the change was likely to have an impact on room bookings. This is now covered by the inclusion on the course specification of a mandatory section on teaching accommodation requirements. This information will be forwarded automatically to SMTT.