Appendix 1

Periodic Subject Review of the School of XX
Reflective Analysis (RA)

The purpose of the Reflective Analysis (RA) is for the School/ Subject or Unit (S/S/U) under review to consider and evaluate its learning and teaching provision, consider the impact of its approach, evaluating what works well and reflecting on areas that could be improved. The narrative should incorporate evidence with cross-referencing to associated documentation.

There are four sections to the RA. The first is important in terms of setting the scene and understanding the S/S/U under review. The list of areas to cover is indicative. Please include others if they are considered important for understanding your S/S/U. The remaining three sections address the S/S/U’s practice in relation to supporting learning and teaching, involving students and supporting their wider experience. The questions in these sections do not need to be answered in turn. They are intended to support a reflective approach and a focus on enhancement.


1. Strategy for Development (4 pages)

1.1 Progress made since last review.

1.2 Strategy for development referring to statistics and short-term plans, and connection to wider L&T strategy and action plans at University, College (and if a Subject Area, School) level. Refer to data on:

  • UG and PGT Programmes (both internally and in collaboration with external partners).
  • Student numbers, staffing, physical resources (including infrastructure and IT support).
  • Diversity of staff.
  • Widening participation, with commentary on the School’s support for students from WP backgrounds, referring to wider policy such as the Accessible & Inclusive Learning.

The Strategy should also cover:

  • How the School ensures that the student experience is equivalent regardless of the location or mode of delivery, referring to cohorts, or programmes, involving external partners, alternative modes of delivery such as part-time, or online distance learners.
  • Links with professional bodies (including accrediting bodies), peer institutions, policy makers or other external agencies and their influence on the School’s development strategy.

1.3 How does the School communicate its vision to staff and students and ensure their ‘buy in’?

1.4 How will the School assess progress with the Strategy? Identify what forms of evidence will be reviewed to demonstrate achievement of development objectives (consider use of data referred to in sections 2&3).

1.5 What are the School’s main strengths, challenges and opportunities?



2. Learning and Teaching Enhancement (4 pages)

2.1 How is the curriculum designed and developed and how are new forms of learning, teaching and assessment incorporated?

2.2 How does the curriculum connect with the world of work and personal development? Areas to consider:

  • Development of Graduate Attributes - Integration of professional skills, employability and work-based learning in the curriculum.
  • Opportunities for internationalisation and study abroad?
  • In what ways are students enabled to engage in learning and/or personal development outside of the classroom?
  • Refer to graduate destination data and any activity the School undertakes to focus on career development including: Is there engagement with graduates after study?

2.3 Has an active learning approach been adopted and how is technology being used to enhance learning?

2.4 How is assessment aligned with learning outcomes? How are approaches to assessment and (assessment feedback) kept under review?

2.5 Does the School reflect of the effectiveness of academic support such as the Library, on-line resources, etc?

2.6 Quality of Teaching – how is this evaluated? How is up-to-date knowledge of effective approaches to teaching and assessment disseminated to staff. What improvements have been made and to what effect?

2.7 How does the School use the Scottish quality enhancement framework to enhance learning and teaching? Are there any processes that the School has introduced over and above the standard University academic standard quality processes?

2.8 What staff support is in place to accommodate the changing learning environment?

2.9 In addition to PGCAP and the GTA statutory training provided by LEADS, what support has been established to support early career staff and GTAs/tutors?

2.10 Where changes have been made to learning, teaching and assessment, what evidence is there of the impact this has had on enhancing the student experience?

2.11 What opportunities are there for sharing good practice?

2.12 What areas have been identified for improvement?



3. The Student Voice (2 pages)

3.1 How does the Subject/School respond to student feedback and how is this communicated? (refer to Staff Student Liaison Committees, course evaluation, NSS, PTES, Welcome Survey, etc.) and how is this linked to School and College action plans?)

3.2 What are the key messages from qualitative and quantitative analysis of feedback from students? Provide examples of changes to curriculum, teaching or assessment arising from student feedback.

3.3 Provide examples of staff/student partnerships within the Subject/School and comment on any benefits from these.

3.4 Do you keep in contact with alumni to provide opportunities for students to meet and also seek feedback in order to inform future curriculum?

3.5 Comment on any improvements (planned, or recently implemented) for positive engagement with students.



4. Supporting Student Wellbeing (2 pages)

4.1 What student support mechanisms has the School established? (At induction and at each level of study.)

4.2 Does the School reflect on the effectiveness of the Advising system in place and is there reflection on how to support students both academically and pastorally? For example, can students easily contact staff? Is sufficient advice and guidance given in relation to course choice?

4.3 Has the School any established links with other University and College support services?

4.4 How is the effectiveness of student support activity monitored at School level and how does this relate to College or University-wide student support? Refer to any plans for development of School level support initiatives.

4.5 Comment on student retention and progression data and identify any processes or action undertaken to enhance continuation rates.
