Right to Work - External Examiners

Frequently Asked Questions

Why do we need to check eligibility of External Examiners right to work in the UK?

The immigration, Asylum and Nationality Act 2006 requires all employers to make basic document checks on every person. Employers who employ illegal workers are liable to significant penalties. By making these checks the University can be sure that it will not break the law and only employs people who are legally permitted to work in the UK.

We therefore have a statutory obligation to ensure that all our External Examiners have a legal right to work in the UK and undertake this type of work.

These checks are now routine for all employers within the UK and apply to all those we engage irrespective of their nationality.

When should the right to work checks be carried out?

Upon engaging an external examiner an electronic scanned copy of the documentation should be obtained by the relevant member of staff processing the registration. Prior to attendance at the VIVA the External Examiner should be asked to present their original documentation to a University of Glasgow staff Member upon arrival on campus.

We cannot accept an e-mailed copy of the relevant Right to Work documents or documents verified by any individual who is not employed by the University.  

Who will be responsible for carrying out the right to work checks?

Checks will be carried out by Senate office personnel or locally-based personnel depending on where the responsibility lies for engaging the Examiner.

What do the checks involve?

You will need to request sight of original documentation verifying that the individual is entitled to work in the UK and undertake the work in question, before the individual commences work for The University of Glasgow. A detailed guide is available using the link below and the External Examiner should provide either one of the single documents from List A or two of the documents in the specified combinations given from List B:


Please use the above list in conjunction with the guidance set out in pages  7 to 21 of  


You now need to take reasonable steps to satisfy yourself that the documents presented to you are valid and appropriate for providing evidence that the person is entitled to work in the UK. You should also confirm that the person is the rightful holder of the documents by checking any photographs and the date of birth are consistence with the appearance of the person.

If you have any queries about whether the document/s meet/s the requirements please contact your College or University Services HR Team directly.

What do I need to take copies of?

You need to make a colour copy of the relevant page or pages of the document(s), in a format which cannot be subsequently altered, for example a photocopy or a scan. In the case of a passport or other travel document, the following parts must be photocopied or scanned:

  • Any page containing the holder’s personal details including nationality, photograph, date of birth;
  • Any page containing the holder’s signature;
  • Any page containing the expiry date; and
  • Any page containing information indicating the holder has an entitlement to enter or remain in the UK and undertake the work in question, e.g. as would be shown on a Residence Permit/visa vignette.

N.B. There is no statutory requirement to take a copy of the front cover of a passport, but it is good practice to do so.

  • Any page containing a UK Government endorsement indicating that the holder has an entitlement to be in the UK and is entitled to undertake the role of External Examiner.
  • Other documents should be copied in their entirety.

How do I counter sign copies of right to work documentation?

All copies taken should be signed with the following, taking care not cover any of the detail with your signature:

  • Date on which Right to Work check made
  • Signed
  • Print Name
  • Date

Can I forward preparatory work to the External Examiner prior to them travelling to Glasgow?

Yes you may forward reading/preparatory work prior to original identification being checked.  A one off payment is made for attendance at the viva or Examination Board only.  Should the individual not subsequently attend the expectation is that no payment will be made for any preparatory work undertaken.

Can I register the External Examiner on the HR System prior to checking the original right to work identification?

Yes, the registration can be completed to allow IT access etc. to be arranged in advance.  However, they should not attend any meetings and no payment will be processed until the original documentation has been checked, verified and uploaded to the system.

When uploading the documents, please use the undernoted naming convention:

SurnameFirstNameRighttoWorkCheckDATE of Check

What if the External Examiner is located within the UK but will not be travelling to Glasgow?

If the individual is based within the UK and is unable to travel to Glasgow, original right to work documentation must still be viewed by a University of Glasgow employee.  Although not the University’s preferred approach, the following would allow us to progress with the employment:

  1. Individual sends original documentation by recorded delivery to the relevant employee at the University.  A skype call should then be arranged to verify the documentation.
  2. If a member of our staff is travelling to the area, copies could be taken at their location.  This should be planned in advance and the member of UoG staff must be fully informed of the requirements for undertaking a Right to Work check.

What if the External Examiner is located overseas and will not be travelling to the UK?

If the individual is based overseas a foreign payment should be arranged. Please contact your local HR team to discuss process for engagement and payment: https://www.gla.ac.uk/myglasgow/humanresources/contact/

What do I do if I establish that the individual is not eligible to work in the UK?

If you have carried out the checks and establish that the individual is not entitled to work in the UK or their permission to stay in the UK does not allow them to undertake the work in question, then any offer of employment should be withdrawn.

Similarly if they are unable to provide the necessary paperwork or refuse to do so the offer of employment should be withdrawn.

If you are unsure whether the individual’s permissions are valid or genuine please contact your local HR Team directly.

Where can I get further information?

The Home Office has made available various guides on how to undertake right to work checks and these are available at:  


https://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/638349/Employer_s_guide_to_right_to_work_checks_-August_2017.pdf https://www.gov.uk/check-job-applicant-right-to-work