
Degrees in Product Design Engineering


This Resolution governs the undergraduate degrees and undergraduate diplomas and certificates in Product Design Engineering. Reference is made in the Regulations to the College of Science & Engineering Section of the University Regulations which should be read in conjunction with this section.

Degrees in Product Design Engineering are governed by Resolution of the University Court with provision that:

1.   The Degrees of Master of Engineering (Product Design Engineering) (MEng), Bachelor of Engineering (Product Design Engineering) (BEng), and Bachelor of Science in Engineering (Product Design Engineering) (BSc) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow. Hereinafter these Degrees are called the ‘Degrees’ where reference is made to all three Degrees together and are called the Degrees of MEng; BEng and BSc, respectively, when referred to separately.

2.   The Degree of BSc (in Engineering) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow as a Degree with Honours and as an Ordinary Degree. The early exit awards of Diploma of Higher Education in Engineering Studies(DipHE (Engineering Studies)) and Certificate of Higher Education in Engineering Studies(CertHE (Engineering Studies)) are also included in the Regulations.

3.   It shall be the duty of the Joint Board of Management for Degrees in Product Design Engineering to consider annually the curriculum for the Degrees and such other matters as may be remitted to it by the Senate, and to report to Academic Council and the Senate thereon.

4.   It shall be competent for the University Court on the recommendation of the Senate to recognise as teachers of the University for the purposes of the Degrees such lecturers and other officers of The Glasgow School of Art having responsibilities for courses qualifying for the Degrees as may be proposed for such recognition by the Joint Board or the Joint Liaison Committee, and the University Court shall be associated with the School in the appointment of any lecturer or officer of the School in respect of whom such recognition may be proposed.

5.   Admission to the Degree of MEng shall be either at entry to the College or by transfer of suitably qualified applicants who are registered in a course leading to the Degree of BEng.

The Joint Board may take cognisance of the views of suitable outside individuals in considering applications. In respect of admission, account shall be taken both of academic record and of potential for development as a professional engineer.

6.   The University Court may appoint as an examiner for the Degrees, but not as an external examiner, any teacher recognised in accordance with §4 hereof.

7.   The examiners shall be drawn from the Professors, Readers and Lecturers in the University of Glasgow and The Glasgow School of Art, whose subjects qualify for graduation in pursuance of §3, such examiners as are appointed in pursuance of §6 and such external examiners as may be appointed by the University Court, on the recommendation of the Joint Board.

8.   It shall be competent for the Senate on the recommendation of the Joint Board to constitute a Board of Examiners, which shall have power to receive and to assess reports from individual examiners for transmission to the Senate.

9.   The Senate with the approval of the University Court may from time to time make regulations:

a)   determining the subjects of study and the course of instruction;

b)   determining the subjects for examination and the number of divisions in which the examinations for the Degrees shall be arranged.


1.   Duration of Degree Study

The regulations concerning the Duration of Degree Study are detailed in the Supplementary Undergraduate Regulations for degrees of Master of Engineering, Bachelor of Engineering and Bachelor of Science in Engineering in the College of Science & Engineering Section of University Regulations (§2).

2.   General Structure and Assessment of Degree

Subjects in which the Degrees may be awarded are listed in §4.2. All other regulations concerning the General Structure and Assessment of the Degree are detailed in the Generic Undergraduate Regulations §6 - §9, reproduced in the College of Science & Engineering section of the University Regulations.

3.   Progress of Students

3.1   Progress Rules

The progress of all candidates in their chosen curriculum is reviewed annually. Candidates who fail to satisfy the requirements for progress on the Degree for which they are registered will also have their performance reviewed in terms of the progress regulations for other degrees under Resolution 291; and may, in the light of this review, be transferred from one programme to another (e.g. MEng to BEng).

At any stage, a candidate who fails to meet the progress regulations will be considered for the early exit awards of DipHE and CertHE.

Requirements to remain a matriculated student for any degree are detailed in the BEng, MEng regulations (§3 Progress) published in the College of Science & Engineering Section of the University Regulations. In addition, candidates for admission to year 4 of the Curriculum for MEng must have completed Product Design Engineering 3 with a minimum grade of B3.

Notwithstanding these requirements, at any time before admission of a candidate to the final year of the curriculum either for the Degree of BEng or for the Degree of MEng it shall be at the discretion of the Professor(s) or Head of School concerned and the Director of The Glasgow School of Art to restrict a future curriculum to that of the Degree of BSc (Ord) if a candidate’s academic performance does not offer a reasonable prospect that the candidate will be able to reach the standard required for the appropriate Degree. A candidate whose curriculum is thus restricted may submit to the Senate for its consideration any special circumstances bearing on their case.

3.2   Appeals against Decisions Relating to Progress of Students

The regulations concerning Appeals against Decisions relating to Progress of Students are detailed in the Code of Appeals, Grounds for Appeals published at the end of this University Regulations section.

4.   Specific Structure of the Degree and Sub-Degree Awards

4.1   Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degree

The regulations concerning Minimum Requirements for the awards are detailed in the MEng, BEng and BSc regulations (§5 Programme Requirements for the Award of the Degrees) published in the College of Science & Engineering Section of the University Regulations.

4.2   Designated Degrees

Full details of the curriculum for each Degree programme are detailed in the appropriate Programme Specification.

Listed here are all the available Degrees:

MEng Product Design Engineering

BEng Product Design Engineering

BSc (Hons) Product Design Engineering

BSc (Ord) Product Design Engineering

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