
Diploma in Architecture and the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion


The Diploma in Architecture and the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion is governed by Resolution of the University Court with provision that:

1.   The Diploma in Architecture and the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion may be conferred by the University of Glasgow at The Glasgow School of Art.

2.   The Senate will make Regulations governing the award of the Degree which are subject to the approval of the University Court. These shall be stated under 'Regulations'.

3.   The minimum duration of attendance on courses of instruction in The Glasgow School of Art for the award of the Degree is specified in the Regulations. However, the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art may recognise attendance given and examinations passed in another institution.

4.   The Senate recognises The Glasgow School of Art, through its Academic Council, as being corporately responsible for the administration and development of the courses leading to the Diploma in Architecture and the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion.

5.   It shall be the duty of the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art to consider annually the curriculum for the Degree and such other matters, including the admission and progress of candidates, as may be remitted to it by the Senate and to report to the Senate thereon. It shall be competent for the Academic Council to make recommendations to the Senate, with regard to the appointment of Examiners for the Degree.

6.   It shall be competent for the University Court, on the recommendation of the Senate, to recognise as teachers of the University for the purpose of the Degree, such lecturers and other officers of The Glasgow School of Art having responsibility for courses qualifying for the Degree, as may be proposed for such recognition by the Academic Council.

7.   The Senate may appoint as an Examiner for the Degree, but not as an External Examiner, any teacher recognised in accordance with §6.

8.   The External Examiners for the Degree shall be appointed by the Academic Council of The Glasgow School of Art.


Duration of Degree Study

The minimum and maximum periods of study, expressed as academic sessions, are as below:

Type of award








Diploma in Architecture





Diploma in Architecture

1.   a)   A candidate for the Diploma in Architecture must have obtained as a minimum a second class Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture and submit a portfolio of architectural design project work of a standard approved by the  Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture.

b)   A candidate with the Honours Degree of Bachelor of Architecture of the University may be exempted from the First Year of the Diploma programme. A candidate with an equivalent degree of another University may also be admitted on this basis.

2.   A candidate for the Diploma full-time, with the exception of those admitted under §1(b), must attend during not less than two academic years full-time courses of instruction in The Glasgow School of Art. A candidate for the Diploma part-time must attend for not less than three years. Transfer from full-time to part-time and vice versa will be at the discretion of the Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture. Candidates engaged in part-time study will be required to spend not less than the equivalent of 10 full days each term in periods of not less than one day per week in attendance on courses or in supervised study. The remaining time will be spent employed in a recognised architect’s practice approved by the Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture.

3.   Curriculum

The curriculum shall be specified in terms of core and elective courses, as described in the appropriate Programme Specification. The courses listed shall not necessarily be available in each session; the choice of a curriculum shall be subject to this limitation and to that imposed by timetables. 

a)   The curriculum of study for the Diploma full-time shall be:
First Year

Studio work 4

Architectural Technology 4

Research Project 4

Professional Studies 4

Total credits = 120

Second Year

Final Design Thesis

Postgraduate Cross-School Elective

Architectural Technology 5: Design in Detail

Professional Studies 5

Total credits = 120

b)   The curriculum of study for the Diploma part-time shall be:
First Year

Studio Work 4

Architectural Technology 4

Total credits = 80

Second Year

Research Project 4

Professional Studies 4

Professional Studies 5

PGT Elective

Total credits = 70

Third Year

Final Design Thesis

Architectural Technology 5: Design in Detail

Total credits = 90

4.   Progress Rules

a)   A full-time candidate will not be allowed to proceed to Second Year studies if they have not obtained passes in all subjects. A part-time candidate will not be allowed to proceed to Second Year Studies if they have not obtained passes in all First year subjects or to Third Year if they have not obtained passes in all Second Year subjects.

b)   A candidate in their final year of either full-time or part-time study shall be required to present themself for examination at the June diet of examination following the conclusion of their studies, and may not thereafter submit themself for examination without the permission of the Sub-Committee for Student Progress.

c)   A candidate for the Diploma will not normally be permitted to be in attendance for more than three years of full-time study or five years of part-time study or equivalent combination of the two forms of study.

d)   Decisions on progress, including the exclusion of a candidate for any of the reasons given in a) to c), shall be taken by the Sub-Committee for Student Progress. A candidate shall have the right of appeal in accordance with the Code of Appeals.

5.   Admission to the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion

A Diploma in Architecture candidate assessed by the GSA Final Examination Board as having achieved an A or B grade in the specific course they wish to pursue through extended study shall be given the option of undertaking additional studies, and submitting for the Degree of Master of Architecture by Conversion. Alternatively a candidate may present to the Head of the Mackintosh School of Architecture an argued case to proceed to undertake extended study of a particular aspect of Architecture in relation to the Final Design Thesis.

A candidate so transferred will enrol for a further period of 15 weeks’ full-time supervised study at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, commencing in the first term of the following session, and will submit work at the conclusion of this period for examination for the Degree of MArch by Conversion; or, a candidate will enrol for a further period of 30 weeks of part-time supervised study at the Mackintosh School of Architecture, and will submit work at the conclusion of this period, i.e. in June for examination for the Degree of MArch by Conversion. Exceptionally, the Sub-Committee for Student Progress may permit a candidate who does not submit for the Degree at the conclusion of the period of further study to undertake an additional period of part-time study before submitting.

A candidate so transferred will undertake the Specialist Studies course of 60 credits, gaining 180 credits overall when combined with 120 credits from Diploma Year 2.

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