
Degree of Doctor of Letters


The Degree of Doctor of Letters is governed by Resolution No. 636 of the University Court, the provisions of which are as follows:

1.   The Degree of Doctor of Letters (DLitt) may be awarded by the Senate of the University of Glasgow.

2.   The Senate may make such regulations governing the award of the Degree as may be approved by the University Court.

3.   The Degree of Doctor of Letters shall not be conferred upon a person who has not satisfied the conditions set forth in the Regulations; provided always that it shall be in the power of the Senate to award the Degree as an Honorary degree under such regulations as may be made by the Senate with the approval of the University Court.


1.   Eligibility

A person (the applicant) satisfying one of the following conditions may offer themself to be a candidate for the Degree of Doctor of Letters:

a)   that they are a graduate of the University of Glasgow, after the expiry of seven years from the date of first graduation therein; or

b)   that they are a person who holds such office or offices at the University of Glasgow as the Senate may approve, who is not already a graduate of the University of Glasgow, after the expiry of four years’ continuous tenure of one or more of these offices provided that not less than seven years has elapsed from the date of their first graduation in any University.

2.   Confirmation of Candidature

In order to be accepted as a candidate for the Degree, the applicant must submit to the Dean of Graduate Studies of the appropriate College the following:

a)   a list of the published work(s) to be presented, together with an electronic copy of each work (in the event that an electronic copy of any of the published works is not available the applicant should contact the Graduate School); and

b)   an account, to be a minimum of 1,000 words in length, of the work(s) submitted describing the theme of the submission, the links and/or the developments occurring between the works, and the overall conclusions; and

c)   a declaration signed by the applicant indicating the nature and extent of the applicant’s own contribution, as well as any contribution of co-authors and other collaborators, to each of the submitted works; and

d)   a statement identifying any work which has been, or is about to be, submitted for any other Higher Degree or Diploma of any University. Any such work shall not be assessed for the award of the Degree of DLitt in the University of Glasgow.

3.   The College Higher Degrees Committee will establish a sub-committee to determine whether a prima facie case for DLitt candidature has been established. The sub-committee may decline to confirm candidature of the applicant if in its opinion the submission does not establish a prima facie case. A precognition fee will be charged, to be deducted in due course from the submission fee if the candidate is examined.

4.   Submitted Works

The work(s) submitted shall normally be in English, and shall be a minimum of 70,000 words and a maximum of 100,000 words in length, including references, bibliography and appendices.

5.   Examiners

The submission shall be examined by three or more examiners, one of whom shall be appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on behalf of the Senate from among the experienced academic staff of the University, and two or more of whom shall be External Examiners, of recognised eminence in the subject of the submission, appointed by the Dean of Graduate Studies on behalf of the University Court and Senate.

6.   Award of Degree

The candidate shall be awarded the Degree only if in the opinion of the Senate, on the recommendation of the examiners, the submission demonstrates an original and substantial contribution to the advancement of knowledge in a major field of study and confirms the candidate as a recognised authority in that field.

7.   Re-examination

No person will be accepted as a candidate more than twice and no candidate may apply for re-examination until five years have elapsed from the original date of submission.