University guidelines and policies

There are two University guidelines that are particularly important to note in relation to supporting GTAs in assessment and feedback:
  • It is a University requirement that all GTAs complete three hours of subject-specific training as well as the statutory training provided by LEADS
  • All individual summative assessments on pre-honours courses must be moderated

You can read more about the guidelines and how they relate to GTAs work in assessment and feedback below.

Statutory training (University-wide and subject-specific)

It is a University requirement that all GTAs complete three hours of statutory training provided by the institution as well as three hours of subject-specific training provided by the individual School or Subject.

Assessment and feedback practices are in many ways highly subject-specific. It is difficult to engage a science graduate and an arts graduate in a discussion on what good feedback is beyond a general level. It is therefore one of the important areas that subject-specific training and support should emphasise. You can read more about how you can implement training and support in assessment and feedback for GTAs here.

Moderation of marking and feedback

The University Learning and Teaching Committee provided guidelines for moderation and second marking. On pre-honours courses, all individual summative assessments must be moderated in accordance with the following guidelines:

"Where [the assessment] has been marked by one marker, then a sample of the marked assessments should be reviewed by another marker, who should also have access to a complete list of the grades awarded for the assessment. The sample should consist of 10% of the marked assessment (subject to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25) plus all of those assessments which have been graded at E1. The sample should cover the whole range of grades awarded by the initial marker."

It is always important to secure consistency across the board of markers, but it becomes even more important when staff are marking for the first time. When moderating marking by GTAs, it is good practice to note down a few points of feedback for the GTAs on their overall approach to feedback and assessment. You can read more about what kind of support or feedback it is useful to give GTAs who are new to marking and feedback here.


The University Learning and Teaching Committee provided guidelines for moderation and second marking. On pre-honours courses, all individual summative assessments must be moderated in accordance with the following guidelines:

Where [the assessment] has been marked by one marker, then a sample of the marked assessments should be reviewed by another marker, who should also have access to a complete list of the grades awarded for the assessment. The sample should consist of 10% of the marked assessment (subject to a minimum of 10 and a maximum of 25) plus all of those assessments which have been graded at E1. The sample should cover the whole range of grades awarded by the initial marker.

It is always important to secure consistency across the board of markers, but it becomes even more important when staff are marking for the first time. When moderating marking by GTAs, it is good practice to note down a few points of feedback for the GTAs on their overall approach to feedback and assessment. You can read more about what kind of support or feedback it is useful to give GTAs who are new to marking and feedback here.

Code of practice