The Essentials of Assessment and Feedback for Learning

In addition to the Principles, which outline what assessment and feedback for learning should do, we have outlined fourteen separate Essentials that describe what assessment and feedback for learning must be. These are the minimum criteria that must be met for effective assessment and feedback. They are divided into overarching Essentials of Assessment and Feedback for Learning, and specific Essentials of Assessment and Essentials of Feedback.

Assessment and feedback for learning must be...

  • constructively aligned to the intended learning outcomes of the course
  • connected to the intended learning outcomes of the programme
  • consistent with the grade descriptors of the appropriate University marking schedule
  • transparent, with clear guidance and criteria for both staff and students
  • accessible to all students

Assessment for learning must be...

  • valid for assessing the particular intended learning outcome(s)
  • informative, so that students can interpret the results in the light of their previous performance and in relation to the rest of the class
  • reliable and provide discrimination (assesses student effort, fairness and freedom from bias) so that all students are treated equitably
  • realistic in the amount of work required for the credit weighting
  • familiar in format so that students can demonstrate their understanding, with opportunities for practice provided where the format is unfamiliar

Feedback for learning must be...

  • timely, so that students have the opportunity to improve their next assignment/assessment; normally returned within 15 working days and any delay made explicit
  • positive, with a focus on what was done well, and not only what was done badly or overlooked (what went well)
  • constructive, with pointers on how to improve future performance (even better if)
  • clear, without unfamiliar jargon