Policy Scotland and Scotland’s Third Sector Research Forum (TSRF) hosted this online seminar focused using third sector research for policy and practice engagement

The event, with more than 60 participants, followed demand for this work from more third sector researchers following a similar presentation at the February 2021 TSRF Conference Researching Well.

Rather than a traditional research seminar focussed on the specific findings of research projects, this seminar aimed to share with participants the how of policy and practice engagements at all steps in the life of a research project.

This included:

  • Understanding your organisation’s or research project’s stakeholders, including tools to help map these stakeholders to create engagement plans
  • How to work with stakeholders like local authorities and other third sector organisations in all project development phases – from project design, participant recruitment, serving as a critical friend and providing feedback on research findings for action planning
  • Practical tips for building and maintaining relationships with stakeholders and project partners
  • Understanding the ‘space’ in which your organisation is situated – including what policies and agendas your work most engages with and the timing of your engagement
  • Dissemination plans and tactics.

Hannah Tweed from Health and Social Care Alliance Scotland presented the research project My Support, My Choice and Robbie Calvert of the Royal Town Planning Institute of Scotland shared the research project and policy briefing Implementing 20 Minute Neighbourhoods in Policy and Practice. Each of these presentations detailed some of the key issues in practice and shared practical tips to those in attendance from a third sector view.

Sarah Weakley of Policy Scotland focussed her presentation on positioning third sector research in relation to a variety of policy actors, and spent time sharing tools for mapping stakeholders to be used for both individual research projects and at an organisational level.

Using Third Sector Research to Influence Policy and Practice - presentation slides (PDF)

First published: 7 June 2021