
We had a great response to our 'Get Me into Orbit' project and would like to thank all of the pupils, teachers and researchers who made it happen!

Comments from pupils

"We loved making the straw rockets. The videos were funny. I didn't know there was so much space stuff happening in Scotland."

"We loved learning about satellites. It was great fun to do something different. We liked the activities we got to do."

"Really cool videos that explained tricky things in an easy way"

"I loved the whole topic."

"I didn't know so many facts but now I do"

"I didn't like it, I loved it"

"I liked it because it was fun"

"It was fabulous"

Model CubeSats built by primary school pupils

Comments from teachers

"The children found the topic interesting and unique. The children were excited to watch the next episode and some of them found it very inspiring."

"Pupils loved the videos and interactive activities that gave them hands on experience. Information was highly informative and enjoyable."

"Great ideas/resources and the children enjoyed watching the scientists answer their questions."

"My pupils really enjoyed the project. They enjoyed seeing Zara each week on the video. They also learned a lot about satellites. They could see the relevance of these in their own lives which gave them a reason to be interested. They also commented on the fact that space science is something which is happening in Scotland. We had a big discussion on the future jobs which they could do. As a teacher this was a great way to bring science into the classroom. I would love to see more projects like this for teachers! Many Thanks to Zara and all the team. Keep up the great work."

"Very informative and engaging format. Kids enjoyed making things and working in groups to design a space mission. It spurred somed excellent questions and discussions within the classroom. Thanks!"

"Great activities. Informative videos. A really engaging project. Thank you!"

"Fantastic, I have loved this project exclaimed one young man who now wants a job exploring space. Pupils learnt new and interesting facts, they especially liked the hands-on elements to each section to secure their understanding."

"Super project that my class got really into! Their enthusiasm was great to see and they really enjoyed learning about an aspect of space that we don't cover as part of our curriculum. Well done and thanks to those involved in creating the project!"