Activities and supporting content

Inspired by a classic restaurant industry trick of providing children with activities to do at the table, GSF designed activities that would support the Creel to Meal events and be presented on a placemat at the restaurant events. 

Activities include origami nephrops and colouring in sheets, supporting materials created include three recipe cards designed to celebrate the taste of scottish produce. 


Download these recipes created bespoke for Creel to Meal. Each recipe has been written and designed by a member of the Creel to Meal team, including festival director and research lead Dr McNeill, the head chef from restaurant Stravaigin and a creel fisherman who took part in the research. 

Each recipe was selected to highlight the versatility of creel caught produce. 

1: Garlic Butter BBQ'd Prawns created by marine biologist and GSF director Dr Deborah McNeill

Download the recipe for Dr Debbie's BBQ prawns

2: Creel Bouillabaisse designed by the team from Stravaigin

Download the recipe for Stravaigin's Creel bouillabaisse

3: Langoustine, Chicken and Chorizo written by Alistair Sinclair a creel fisherman

Download the recipe for Alistair's Langoustines with chicken and chorizo


Alongside sampling nephrops as part of the menu guests were invited to try making their own origami nephrops between courses. 

Create your own Origami Nephrops!


People who attended Creel to Meal at Stravaigin, Drygate and Kelvingrove museum had the opportunity to do some colouring in using the Creel to Meal artwork designed by Allan Deas. 

Here we have the colouring in sheets at different levels of complexity for you to try. 

Download Creel to Meal Colouring Easy

Download Creel to Meal Colouring Medium

Download Creel to Meal Colouring Complex