There are several reasons why studying for a degree in Social Sciences makes good sense.
Sought-after learning and training
Although you may not have trained directly for any particular career, employers are interested in the many skills you will develop while at University, and these are usually more important than the subject area of your degree. These skills are often called 'transferable skills' or 'graduate skills'.
The successful completion of a degree in any Social Sciences subject demonstrates, in particular, a flexible and adaptable approach to learning, research skills, analytical ability, critical evaluation, the ability to work to deadlines, creativity, logical thinking, team-working, self-organisation and communication skills.
There are no areas of study better than the Social Sciences for honing these particular abilities. This is important, because it is this general tool box of abilities that is so highly valued by employers (and so carefully tested in many employers' selection processes).
Valid learning and training
Through studying Social Sciences' subjects, you will be aware of how groups in society relate to each other and to the framework that society has generated, which is also highly valued by employers. Indeed, your general skills will have been developed within the very contexts that most prospective employers will want to see them deployed.
The subject matter of Social Sciences subjects will clearly be engaging because it is the framework within which you, your family and your friends conduct their lives.
As a social scientist you would be better equipped than most to take advantage of opportunities to improve features of this framework and make a difference.
Good career prospects
As you will have gathered from above, career prospects are particularly good for graduates with an MA (Social Sciences) Degree. More information and career ideas are available on our Career Paths web page.