Impact Acceleration Funded projects 2017-2018

Clive Dimmock (£27,736)

"Building capacity of Vietnam schools to implement radical and comprehensive reforms through knowledge exchange and professional development."               

Project built capacity among the KE partners – through knowledge exchange and shared understanding of the nature and implications of the Vietnam Government’s ‘programme of ‘fundamental and comprehensive’ educational reform – as seen from multiple perspectives, but especially those of schools as implementers.

Andrew Cumbers (£8,699)

"Implementing New Forms of Municipal Public Ownership in the Energy Sector."                 

The project provided knowledge and information to local and national policy makers about best practice in establishing municipal energy companies, and how they maximise their impact to tackling climate change.

David Heald (£4,210)

"Communicating Brexit's Impact on the Law, Governance and Public Finances of the UK Devolved Nations and the Republic of Ireland."                      

To address the neglected evidential needs (Inadequately funded party research departments; In-house capacity and services; Lack of access to civil servants ; Inadequate time and pressurised diaries) of all UK elected representatives) on the impact of Brexit on devolved governance.

Francesca Stella  (£8,510)

Developing engagement on LGBT and migrant equalities.”                          

Project co-produced an educational resource on issues faced by LGBT migrants to be used by staff from voluntary, educational and public sector organisations.

Fergus McNeill (£1,000)

"Mass Supervision: Seen and Heard."                     

This project employed KE to enhance and secure the impact of EU COST Action IS1106 Offender Supervision in Europe.

Alistair Fraser (£8,475)

"Reimagining Crime and Justice: An Alternative Guide to the People's Palace."                     

Project contributed to the enhancement and deepening of strategic partnerships between UoG academics and People's Palace/Glasgow Museums & Glasgow Life through staff training and public engagement.

Carrie Purcell (£2,620)

"The Abortion Act at 50: Still disputed ground?"                

Project facilitated knowledge exchange around key concerns relating to abortion provision in the current political climate, particularly regarding the protection of access to abortion.

Richard Mitchell & Catherine Thompson (£10,733)

“Public Landscapes for Public Health.”                    

Project enhanced wider policy, planning and land management impact through a series of knowledge exchange activities appropriate to a diverse audience, both at a strategic level and at local community level.

Robin Geiss (£800)

"Autonmous Weapons Systems."                             

The UN Convention on Certain Conventional Weapons (CCW) decided to establish a formal Governmental Group of Experts with a remit to propose regulation in this area. This project enabled Principal Investigator to spend three days in Geneva meeting with a number of stakeholders engaged with this Group.

Robin Geiss (£1,000)

"New Military Technologies."                     

Project funded a workshop at the University of Glasgow exploring legal responses to new military technologies in the fields of (i) cybersecurity and surveillance and (ii) autonomous weapons systems.

Christian Tams (£5,556)

"Ensuring long-term collaboration with Investment Law Practitioners (ELCILP)."                  

Project facilitated an enhanced, and longterm, cooperation between Glasgow-based academics and non-academic partners.

Chris Bunn (£1,000)

Community activities as a result of FFIT                 

Project allowed expansion of FFIT research methods to new audiences.

Luca Anceschi (£1,000)

"Engaging with Turkmenistan: EU priorities at a time of economic crisis."               

Project paid for the Principal Investigator to engage with key policy-makers in Brussels through a seminar on his research.

Annette Hastings (£6,953)

"Extending the impact of the Counting the Cost of the Cuts to the whole of Scottish Local Government for the 2017/18 budget."                             

Project co-funded a secondment of Maria Gannon (an Urban Studies Research Associate) to the Scottish Parliament Information Centre (SPICe).

Rebecca Kay (£993)

"SSAMIS Community Work - ensuring sustainable impact."                           

Project funded research-related community work with migrant populations in NE Scotland.

Paulina Trevena               (£19,989)

"Attracting and retaining migrants in Scotland: does Scotland need an all-inclusive integration policy?"                    

Project evaluated the idea of introducing an inclusive social integration strategy for post-Brexit Scotland as a way of attracting and retaining migrants through a co-funded fellowship to SPICe.

Evelyn Arizpe (£1,003)

"Impact Case Study Support for Children's Literature, Literacies and Intercultural Competencies."

Project was Impact Case Study support for Children’s Literature, Literacies and Intercultural Competencies.

Yates, Donna (£600)

" "Illicit Networks: Preventing and Combatting Trafficking", Thematic International Exchange, Bureau of Education and Cultural Affairs of the U.S. Department of State."                              

Project presented the research of the Trafficking Culture project and ongoing crossover research into parallel illicit markets to a mix of academic and non-academic experts, both in the form of an invited lecture, and over the course of several break-away sessions.

Carlos Galan-Diaz (£10,000)

"Festival of Social Science 2017."

Julie McAdam (£250)

"ESRC Festival of Social Science Event."

Rebecca Kay (£13,302)

"Low-skilled Labour Migration to Scotland after Brexit: Assessing the Options."                   

Project aimed to improve the evidence base concerning migration to, and settlement in Scotland, such that policy proposals and intergovernmental negotiations regarding the need (or not) for a distinctive Scottish migration system can proceed most effectively through publication of joint report with Scottish Government, COSLA and Edinburgh University.

Alison Phipps (£2,150)

"On the run."                    

Project provided supplementary funding to offset unforeseen funding gaps which have appeared since the Oct 15 award and enabled original project to be completed.

Fergus McNeill (£350)

"Future of Probation meeting."                 

Project paid for the Principal Investigator to attend a meeting with the Minister for Prisons and Probation to discuss the future of probation services. Potential influence/impact on probation policy.

Mike Osborne (£12,300)

"Widening Regional Engagement of HE and TVET."                           

Project supported further work to review and enhance the template for HEI/TVET regional engagement - mostly through translation of outputs into Mandarin and Italian.

Sharon Wright (£2,314)

"Welfare Conditionality: impact for social security and employability services in Scotland."             

Project enhanced the Scotland-specific impact of final findings on policy and practice in the field of social security and employment services.

Iain Docherty (£20,000)

"Transport Disruption Policy 'Playbook'."                              

Project created a reference toolkit or ‘playbook’ for use by future policymakers faced with problems similar to the 2017 sudden closure of the Forth Road Bridge.