Entreprenuerialism throughout history and pausing public debt recovery
On this episode we speak to Niall Mackenzie, Professor of Entrepreneurship and Business History in the Adam Smith Business School. Niall talks to us about the history of the ‘Bennie Railplane’ from the early 20th century and and its relevance for contemporary debates on growth and economic development.
We also talk to Martin Canavan, Head of Policy and Participation at Aberlour Childcare Trust. Martin will be telling us about the campaign Aberlour and dozens of other anti-poverty organsations and campaigners are launching, calling on the Scottish Government to pause public debt recovery for low-income families in Scotland.
Niall Mackenzie: 1: 22
Martin Canavan: 24:30
Further links
Professor Niall Mackenzie UofG staff profile: https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/business/staff/niallmackenzie/
Aberlour news story: https://www.aberlour.org.uk/news-item/pause-on-debt-recovery