Episode 32

On this episode, we focus on public policy as it effects care experienced young people.  In October 2016, the First Minister made a commitment that Scotland would “come together and love its most vulnerable children to give them the childhood they deserve.” She announced an Independent Root and Branch Review of Care (“the Care Review”), driven by those with experience of care.  A promise was made to children and young people that day by the most powerful people in the country. With political will and resources, the recommendations in the review would be delivered in full by 2030. 

The Promise Scotland is responsible for driving the work of change demanded by the findings of the Independent Care Review. This week, two years on from the review’s publication, the Oversight Board of the Promise has produced its first progress report on that 10-year transformation plan. 

Graeme Roy speaks to Fiona Duncan and David Anderson, from The Promise Oversight Board, to explore its findings. 



Fiona Duncan is the Chair of The Promise Oversight Board and Chief Executive of Corra Foundation. Under her leadership, the Independent Care Review set out a powerful vision for a transformed system of care for children, with love and nurture at its heart. She now Chairs of The Promise Oversight Board to drive the work of change.  

David Anderson is a care experienced activist who pushes for the necessary changes to ensure all care experienced people, past and present, can realise their rights and full potential. He is a father and a foster carer to three children with his wife. He also teaches Social Work students and Social Educators with importance on love, respect and equality for people experiencing the care system.   

The Promise Oversight Board is critical to ensuring that the Promise made to Scotland's children and families is kept. More information on the work of the Oversight Board and its membership, which includes Spotlight podcast host Kezia Dugdale, can be found at: https://thepromise.scot/


Further links 

The Promise Oversight Board - Report ONE May 2022: https://thepromise.scot/oversight-board-reports