MRC & BBSRC Impact Acceleration Accounts (IAAs)
UKRI impact acceleration accounts (IAAs) are strategic awards providing funding to research organisations to use creatively for a wide range of impact activities.
The college of MVLS allocates funding through the MRC and BBSRC IAAs to enable the development of impact opportunities in more flexible, responsive and creative ways, in alignment with the institutional strategy and the Innovation, Engagement and Enterprise strategic priorities. The awards are intended to add value to existing funding and take advantage of new or unforeseen opportunities for creating impact.
MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)
The MRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) award is a strategic award aimed at accelerating the translation of discovery research towards impact, by supporting proof-of-concept studies, pump-priming and feasibility studies.
BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA)
The broad aim of the BBSRC Impact Acceleration Account (IAA) is to facilitate the impact agenda, including forging new collaborations with industry and strengthening existing external, non-academic collaborations.
Responsible Innovation, Sustainability, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion
All application forms must now include information on Responsible Innovation (RI), Sustainability, and Equality, Diversity & Inclusion (EDI) considerations for their research.
Responsible Innovation is a process that takes the wider impacts of research and innovation into account. It aims to ensure that unintended negative impacts are avoided, that barriers to dissemination, adoption and diffusion of research and innovation are reduced, and that the positive societal and economic benefits of research and innovation are fully realised.
The UKRI is committed to ensuring that the research and other activities that they fund are aligned with the principles of Responsible Innovation. The University of Glasgow are embedding RI throughout all of our IAA-related activities. To do this, we aim to provide a framework of RI support for all IAA projects. Please access our IAA RI guidance here. Further information is available on the UKRI website, and more information on the university's commitment to Responsible Innovation can be found here.
The UKRI IAA aims to enhance the EDI of funded researchers by promoting an inclusive research community where diverse talent is used to advance discovery, develop skills and knowledge, and drive innovation in the UK. Please access our IAA EDI guidance here. To access the EDI plan of the UKRI research councils, please click here.
All IAA funded projects must apply best practice in EDI. For more information, please see the University policy on Equality and Diversity and the HR policies on Equality and Diversity. Furthermore, all funded staff should complete the "Equality & Diversity Essentials" training course, accessible through the Moodle portal by logging in with their staff ID and password.
All IAA funded projects need to consider and demonstrate in their applications how they can be more sustainable in their approach to the proposed work as well as outputs created from the research. The university is committed to sustainable research and such considerations should be factored into proposals. Please access the university's policy on sustainability here.
1. What are collaboration partners and are they required for an IAA project?
Although it is encouraged to include collaboration partners within your proposal, especially where partners add valuable contribution in terms of funding support, consultancy, knowhow etc, these are not necessarily required for an IAA funding application.
A collaboration partner is any internal or external collaborator, public, private or third party partner who has a meaningful involvement in the project. They can be based anywhere in the world. This can take the form of in-cash or in-kind contributions, consultancy, provision of equipment or consumables, or undertaking any of the work conducted within the scope of the project. The contribution of each partner needs to be clearly defined in the application, and the monetary value of any contributions need to be estimated.
Note: Please be mindful of any potential IP considerations when interacting with collaboration partners, as any sharing of commercially valuable knowledge or assets may hinder your potential of commercialising or licencing your innovation. Please see our NDA/MTA informational videos for more information.
2. What is the MRC / BBSRC Grant Reference number for the IAAs?
BBSRC IAA (2022-2025): BB/X511110/1
MRC IAA (2022-2025): MR/X502807/1
For older award reference numbers, please contact the TRI.
3. Can students be funded with an IAA?
Studentships, including Masters and PhD students, along with bench fees cannot be supported by an IAA.
4. Can my contract be extended using an IAA?
IAAs cannot fund projects whose primary aim is to extend a contract of a member of staff. These would be classed as bridging funds and would be ineligible for an IAA.
5. Can I use any leftover funds for other costs/activities or vire them to other cost headings?
If you believe a desired costing change, please contact the MRC & BBSRC IAA manager (Dr Isabel Vincent). Viring of funds between different costings may be possible but will require a justification and approval by the IAA manager. Please contact for more information.
For more information, please see our MRC and BBSRC FAQs and the MRC and BBSRC IAA T&Cs.