Writing your thesis FAQs

Where can I find the Thesis Word Count form?

You can download it here: Word count form

Does the word count include references, appendices and table of contents?

MD and PhD thesis - a maximum number of words in the thesis 80,000 but no minimum number will apply. If the thesis does not comply with the regulations, the case for a longer or shorter length should be discussed with your Supervisor in advance of the thesis being sent to the Examiners.

MSc(R) and MVM thesis - the maximum is set at 50,000 words; there is no minimum.

The word count does not include wording on diagrams, references, bibliography, and appendices.

Where can I find more information about the guidelines for writing my thesis? i.e. formatting, length, content, printing etc.

You can find guidance for thesis preparation in Appendices 5-7 of the PGR Student Handbook

We advise all PGR students to prepare their thesis well in advance so that they do not need to rush to meet deadlines. 

Physical copies are no longer required for examination purposes unless an examiner wishes a copy. In that case, printing and posting a copy would be your responsibility. You may also wish to contact your local PGR admin in your school in case they can print and post a copy for you.