Research & Teaching
- Lawson, Dr Victoria (Road to Home Research Associate)
Professional, Administrative & Support
- Ali, Mr Umar (Trainee Solicitor)
- Andrew, Mrs Louise (Senior Solicitor/ Senior Contracts Manager)
- Barnes, Mrs Clare (Head of Complaints Resolution Office)
- Beattie, Ms Jenny (Case Manager Student Conduct)
- Binnie, Ms Marei (Contracts Manager)
- Calder, Mrs Elaine (Grants and Contracts Manager)
- Cheng, Miss Olivia (Case Administrator)
- Clegg, Ms Helen (Senior Academic Policy Manager)
- Duncan, Dr David (Deputy Vice Chancellor – Operations and Chief Operating Officer and University Secretary)
- Elahi, Mrs Sehar (Policy Manager)
- Ellis, Mr Paul (Senior Contracts Manager)
- Ewan, Dr Pauline (Academic Policy Manager)
- Fortune, Miss Lisa (Contracts Assistant)
- Foster, Mrs Diane (Head of Research Contracts)
- Gaellman, Ms Maria (PA Administrative Assistant)
- Higgins, Ms Amber (Head of Court Office and Clerk of Court)
- Jamieson, Mr Paul (Case Manager Student Conduct)
- Khan, Ms Uzma (Vice Principal for Economic Development and Innovation and Deputy Chief Operating Officer)
- Leatham, Mrs Michelle (Senior Administrative Assistant)
- Little, Ms Rhona (Office Manager)
- MacDonald, Miss Mary (Senior Contracts Manager)
- Malcolm, Mrs Jenny (Head of Student Conduct)
- McAlpine, Mrs Roisin (Complaints Resolution Coordinator)
- McClure, Mrs Lee (Executive Officer)
- McGillvery, Mr Paul (Contracts Manager)
- McGuff, Miss Holli (Trainee Solicitor)
- McLean, Miss Danielle (Contracts Manager)
- Minton, Mr Martin (Senior Contracts Manager)
- Munro, Mrs Claire (Deputy Head of Legal)
- Nugent, Ms Caragh (Development Officer)
- Perry, Miss Daisy (Case Administrator)
- Rosenshine, Miss Suzanne (Senior Solicitor/Senior Legal Advisor)
- Vagiakakos, Mr Athanasios (Complaints Resolution Coordinator)
- Watson, Ms Lesley (Case Manager Student Conduct)
- Wilson, Mr Alistair (Deputy Secretary & Head of Legal)
- Abu-Sittah, Dr Ghassan (Rector)
- Aitken, Ms Susan (Member of University Court)
- Brouwers, Ms Mary Jane (Co-opted Member of Court)
- Christie, Ms Kerry (Co-opted Lay Member of Court)
- Dandridge, Ms Nicola (Co-opted Lay Member of Court)
- Elliott, Mr Tony (Remuneration Committee)
- Elliott, Miss Rachel (Affiliate)
- Finlayson, Mr David (Co-opted Lay Member of Court)
- Gailey, Ms Alison (Affiliate)
- Good, Mr Stephen (Member of Estates Committee)
- Goward, Mr Robert (External Member of HR and Remuneration Committee)
- Hamilton, Ms Laura (Affiliate)
- Hoggan, Mr Stuart (Member of University Court)
- Hu, Mr Bo (Chancellor's Assessor)
- Khalique, Mr Laic (Co-opted Lay Member of Court)
- Kirby, Mr Scott (Intern)
- Marsh, Professor Alex (External Subject Specialist)
- Marshall, Mr David (Sales and Marketing Manager - John Smith & Son Scotland)
- McIntyre, Mr Jim (Member of Estates Committee)
- McMillan, Ms Lorraine (Co-opted Member of Court)
- Morrice, Mr Philip (GUSA Honorary Treasurer)
- Niven, Mr Keith (Exterrnal Member of Investment Advisory Commitee)
- Niven, Mr Lewis (Member of General Council Business Committee)
- Orcharton, Ms Elspeth (Co-opted Lay Member of Court)
- Ross, Mr David (Chairman of the Investment Advisory Committee)
- Saleem, Mr Haris (Affiliate)
- Singh, Ms Imogen (P&OD Committee)
- Stewart, Mr Gavin (Convenor of Court)
- Sutherland, Mr David (External Member of Investment Advisory Committee)
Honorary & Visiting
- Chamberlain, Dr David (Honorary Research Fellow)
- Curtice, Professor John (Honorary Stevenson Fellow in Citizenship)