From Tunis to Tripoli - Analysing the Arab Spring
5.15-7.00pm, Wolfson Medical School Building, Seminar Room 2 (Hugh Fraser)

Ahmed Ben Aessa, University of Glasgow
Keith Hammond, University of Glasgow
Anthony Lang, University of St. Andrews
Adham Saouli, University of Edinburgh

Chair: Kurt Mills, University of Glasgow

2011 has witnessed an amazing series of events in the Middle East which will have widespread, global repercussions for decades to come.

Authoritarian regimes have been overthrown in some countries, violent repression has increased in others, and the international community has invoked both the International Criminal Court and the evolving responsibility to protect norm and militarily intervened in Libya. These ongoing situations do not have clear outcomes but will, nonetheless, have a significant impact on regional and global dynamics. The scholars on this panel will draw on their expertise to help us understand what has happened in this volatile part of the world and what the possible implications might be.
All are welcome – event is free of charge
Download: 111005 Arab Spring Flyer

This discussion is sponsored by the Glasgow Human Rights Network.  Please direct any questions to

First published: 4 November 2011