TAPI and the Virtual Politics of Eurasian Natural Gas

Published: 4 March 2016

CEES Lecturer Dr Luca Anceschi will deliver a public lecture at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute on 11 April.

CEES Lecturer Dr Luca Anceschi will deliver a public lecture at Columbia University’s Harriman Institute on 11 April. The lecture - titled TAPI and the Virtual Politics of Eurasian Natural Gas - will showcase Luca’s longstanding research on the Turkmenistan-Afghanistan-Pakistan-India natural gas pipeline, a US$10 bn infrastructure project that aims at revolutionising Eurasia’s gas market.

For more information see: http://harriman.columbia.edu/event/tapi-and-virtual-politics-eurasian-natural-gas

First published: 4 March 2016

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