First in-person meeting of INAQT network

Published: 4 January 2023

The first in-person INAQT network meeting is taking place January 23rd - 25th 2023 in Glasgow.

We are excited to announce that the first in-person meeting of the INAQT network is taking place January 23rd - 25th 2023 in Glasgow! Registration remains open until January 6th.

The main aim of the meeting is to strengthen the network, which consists of a small number of active experts in the field of indefinite causal order (ICO), and many newcomers, experts in various areas of quantum technologies and quantum optics. The planned format aims to encourage meaningful interactions by dedicating time on extended focus talks from ICO experts, as well as invited talks and afternoons reserved for networking and poster sessions. The meeting will run over three days, each with a broad focus on a different aspect of ICO: foundations, implementations, and applications.

We are looking forward to welcoming network participants to Glasgow!

First published: 4 January 2023