SMB Suggestion Boxes

We are looking for suggestions to help continually improve our environment. It might be an idea that enhances quality and efficiency, helps reduce costs, encourages collaboration or boosts morale. 

We now have an electronic suggestion box to allow staff to submit ideas. Our electronic suggestion box is restricted to members of our institute, so there is an initial sign in. However, the form itself isn't linked to the submitter, so you can remain anonymous if you wish.

Access the electronic suggestion box here.

Suggestions can also be posted in our physical Suggestion Boxes. The administrative team holds the keys and will check them regularly. They are located as follows: 

  • Outside the administrative office in the Wolfson Link Building 
  • In the canteen area of the Bower Building 
  • In the kitchen area of the Joseph Black Building (Cell Engineering) 

You can also email ideas directly to the Institute Engagement Lead - Nikki White -

We look forward to hearing your ideas!