Dr Ide Haghi
- Lecturer (Modern Foreign Languages)
I have been involved in English language education in the UK and abroad for the past fifteen years. My career began as a general English instructor, and, later, an educational advisor, and a teacher trainer. I subsequently took on a new role as an EAP tutor, initially in EMI contexts, then, later, in the UK.
I joined English Acadmeic Study as a lecturer (TESOL/TEAP/EAP) in 2020. Prior to this role, I worked as a Teaching Fellow in Applied Linguistics-TESOL at Newcastle university and the University of Sheffield as well as a Senior Teaching Fellow at IOE, University College London. In these roles, I was the module convener for a number of modules includinig Teaching English for Academic Purposes, Language Testing and Assessment, Discourse Analysis and Materials and Curriculum Development as well as supervising PG students in Applied Linguitics and TESOL programmes.
PhD, Applied Linguistics and TESOL, University of Warwick
MA Applied Linguistics and TESOL (with a Specialism in Language Testing), University of Warwick (Distinction)
BA, English Language and Literature
Research interests
English for Academic Purposes
Language Assessment and Testing (assessing listening for academic puroses and Formative Assessment and feedback)
Language Programme Evaluation (with a specific interest in EAP provision)
Materials Design and Development
British Council Research into Reading Grants Scheme, United Kingdom (2017-2018)
ETS ‘TOEFL Researcher/Practitioner’ Grant, United States (2015-2016)
Current PhD supervision:
Miaomiao Ding
Communicative language teaching in a three-dimensional virtual environment
- Tang, Yuxuan
Unravelling Motivational Dynamics: Exploring the Role of Achievement Goal Orientation in Dialogic Peer Feedback in the L2 Writing Classroom - Zhou, Jingwen
Investigating collaboration between content and language teachers in English Medium Instruction (EMI) in China
Professional activities & recognition
Prizes, awards & distinctions
- 2015: ‘Highly Commanded’ Master’s Dissertation title for Caroline Clapham IELTS Masters Award (Cambridge Assessment)
Professional & learned societies
- 2019 - 2021: Social Media Coordinator, IATEFLTEASIG
- 2020 - 2022: Membership & Nominations Chair, UKALTA
Selected international presentations
- 2020: International Association of Applied Linguistics (AILA) (Groningen, the Netherlands)
- 2019: Language Testing Forum (UKALTA) (University of Swansea, UK)
- 2019: BALEAP (University of Leeds, UK)
- 2016: BAAL TEASIG Conference (University of Reading)
- 2015: EALTA Annual Conference (Copenhagen, Denmark)
- 2015: LTRC Annual Conference (Toronto, Canada)
- 2015: IATEFL Annual Conference & Exhibition (Manchester, UK)