Number of items: 67.
Schonfield, E.
Queer orientation in Thomas Mann’s Tonio Kröger.
Modern Language Review, 120(1),
pp. 125-143.
(doi: 10.1353/mlr.00035)
Schonfield, E.
Humanist anecdotes in hard times: F. C. Weiskopf and Lenka Reinerová.
Humanities, 13(5),
(doi: 10.3390/h13050113)
Schonfield, E.
The Vietnam Veteran in Anna Seghers's Steinzeit (Stone Age, 1975).
In: Bielby, C. and Davies, M. P. (eds.)
Violence Elsewhere 1: Imagining Distant Violence in Germany 1945-2001.
Series: Studies in German Literature Linguistics and Culture (238).
Camden House/Boydell & Brewer: Rochester, NY, USA.
ISBN 9781640141148
Schonfield, E. and Köhler, A. (Eds.)
Kerstin Hensel: Literary Correspondences.
Series: German monitor.
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
(Accepted for Publication)
Schonfield, E.
Kerstin Hensel’s dialogue with Marieluise Fleißer in Atzenköfls Töchter.
In: Schonfield, E. and Köhler, A. (eds.)
Kerstin Hensel: Literary Correspondences.
Series: German monitor.
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
(Accepted for Publication)
Krylova, K. and Schonfield, E. (Eds.)
Thomas Bernhard: Language, History, Subjectivity.
Series: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik.
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
ISBN 9789004545793
Krylova, K. and Schonfield, E.
In: Krylova, K. and Schonfield, E. (eds.)
Thomas Bernhard: Language, History, Subjectivity.
Series: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik (95).
Brill: Leiden, Netherlands.
ISBN 9789004545793
(doi: 10.1163/9789004545854_002)
Schonfield, E.
Women’s Liberation in Honigmann’s Soharas Reise.
In: Gillett, R. and Weiss-Sussex, G. (eds.)
Barbara Honigmann.
Series: Contemporary German writers and filmmakers (6).
Peter Lang: Oxford and Bern, pp. 95-112.
ISBN 9781800792494
Schonfield, E.
The Nazi ghost and the Sinti woman in Kerstin Hensel’s Bell Vedere (1982).
In: Watson, J., Mallet, M. and Schuhmacher, H. (eds.)
Tracing German Visions of Eastern Europe in the 20th Century.
Series: Edinburgh German Yearbook, 15.
Boydell and Brewer: Rochested, NY, pp. 155-175.
ISBN 9781640141193
Schonfield, E. (Ed.)
Tom Leonard in Conversation. Notes taken between 2014-2018. Typed up by Ernest Schonfield.
University of Glasgow.
ISBN 9780852619810
Schonfield, E.
The Publishing Scene in A Far Cry from Kensington.
In: Carruthers, G. and Stoddart, H. (eds.)
The Crooked Dividend: Essays on Muriel Spark.
Series: Occasional Papers (24).
Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 247-263.
ISBN 9781908980335
Schonfield, E.
Brecht and fiction.
In: Brockmann, S. (ed.)
Bertolt Brecht in Context.
Series: Literature in Context.
Cambridge University Press, pp. 149-157.
ISBN 9781108426466
Schonfield, E.
Der Fontane-Ton am Beispiel der Poggenpuhls.
In: Cusack, A. and White, M. (eds.)
Der Fontane-Ton: Stil im Werk Theodor Fontanes = The “Fontane Sound”: Style in the Works of Theodor Fontane.
Series: Schriften der Theodor Fontane Gesellschaft (13).
De Gruyter: Berlin, pp. 195-216.
ISBN 9783110538984
(doi: 10.1515/9783110541731-010)
Schonfield, E.
Learning from France: Ludwig Börne in the 1830s.
In: Paulus, D. and Pilsworth, E. (eds.)
Nationalism Before the Nation State: Literary Constructions of Inclusion, Exclusion, and Self-Definition (1756-1871).
Series: National cultivation of culture (22).
Brill: Leiden, pp. 171-193.
ISBN 9789004366831
(doi: 10.1163/9789004426108_010)
Schonfield, E.
Medical experiments on humans in Kerstin Hensel's Lärchenau (2008).
In: Davies, M. P. and Shamdasani, S. (eds.)
Medical Humanity and Inhumanity in the German-Speaking World.
Series: FRINGE.
UCL Press: London, pp. 164-189.
ISBN 9781787357730
(doi: 10.14324/111.9781787357716)
Schonfield, E.
Patrick Eiden-Offe. Die Poesie der Klasse: Romantischer Antikapitalismus und die Erfindung des Proletariats.
Seminar: A Journal of Germanic Studies, 56(2),
pp. 182-184.
(doi: 10.3138/seminar.56.2.rev004)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E. and Krylova, K. (Eds.)
Heiko Berner, Photo-Illustrations for Thomas Bernhard’s 'A Child'.
School of Modern Languages and Cultures, University of Glasgow: Glasgow.
ISBN 9780852619681
Schonfield, E.
Body language in the prints of Käthe Kollwitz.
In: Black, P. (ed.)
The German Revolution: Expressionist Prints.
The Hunterian, University of Glasgow: Glasgow, pp. 36-59.
ISBN 9780904254990
Schonfield, E.
Das menschliche Gesicht bei Döblin, Sander und Lévinas.
In: Davies, S. and Midgley, D. (eds.)
Internationales Alfred-Döblin-Kolloquium Cambridge 2017: Natur, Technik und das (Post-)Humane in den Schriften Alfred Döblins.
Peter Lang: Bern, pp. 229-241.
ISBN 9783034338974
Schonfield, E.
Business Rhetoric in German Novels: From Buddenbrooks to the Global Corporation.
Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture.
Camden House: Rochester, NY.
ISBN 9781571139832
Burns, B. and Schonfield, E.
Introduction: European dialogues.
Oxford German Studies, 47(1),
pp. 1-4.
(doi: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1409502)
Schonfield, E.
Heine and convivencia: coexistence in Muslim Spain.
Oxford German Studies, 47(1),
pp. 35-50.
(doi: 10.1080/00787191.2018.1409508)
Schonfield, E.
Alltägliche Aktivitäten in Marieluise Fleißers Eine Zierde für den Verein.
In: Carstensen, T. and Pirholt, M. (eds.)
Das Abenteuer des Gewöhnlichen: Alltag in der deutschsprachigen Literatur der Moderne.
Erich Schmidt: Berlin, pp. 181-198.
ISBN 9783503176601
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 52-53.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 61-62.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 74-77.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 188-190.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 265-267.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 290-291.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 322-324.
ISBN 9780748637027
Schonfield, E.
Working class.
In: Kolocotroni, V. and Taxidou, O. (eds.)
The Edinburgh Dictionary of Modernism.
Edinburgh University Press: Edinburgh, pp. 399-402.
ISBN 9780748637027
Gillett, R., Schonfield, E. and Steuer, D. (Eds.)
Georg Büchner: Contemporary Perspectives.
Series: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik.
Brill: Leiden.
ISBN 9789004338593
Schonfield, E.
Büchner and Paine on elitism and equality.
In: Gillett, R., Schonfield, E. and Steuer, D. (eds.)
Georg Büchner: Contemporary Perspectives.
Series: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik, 89.
Brill: Leiden, pp. 121-147.
ISBN 9789004338593
(doi: 10.1163/9789004341630_010)
Schonfield, E.
"Wie krönt man richtig?”: Heiligsprechung und Kanonbildung in Hoppes Johanna (2006).
In: Frank, S. and Igner, J. (eds.)
Ehrliche Erfindungen. Felicitas Hoppe als Erzählerin zwischen Tradition und Transmoderne.
Bielefeld, pp. 53-69.
ISBN 9783837633191
Schonfield, E.
Linksalternatives Leben: Wohngemeinschaften in Özdamars Seltsame Sterne starren zur Erde und ‘Ein unzeitgemäßer Üsküdarer’.
Oxford German Studies, 45(3),
pp. 308-329.
(doi: 10.1080/00787191.2016.1208421)
Schonfield, E.
The rhetoric of business in Brecht's Dreigroschenroman.
German Life and Letters, 69(2),
pp. 173-191.
(doi: 10.1111/glal.12113)
Schonfield, E.
David Horton. Thomas Mann in English. A Study in Literary Translation. New Directions in German Studies, 8. London: Bloomsbury, 2013. Børge Kristiansen. Thomas Mann - Der ironische Metaphysiker. Nihilismus - Ironie - Anthropologie in Thomas Manns Erzählungen und im ‘Zauberberg’. Würzburg: Königshausen & Neumann, 2013.
Orbis Litterarum, 70(4),
pp. 344-346.
(doi: 10.1111/oli.12090)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Sprachgebrauch als Waffe und Tarnung im »Dreigroschenroman«.
In: Hippe, C. and Literaturform im Brecht-Haus, d. (eds.)
Über Brechts Romane.
Series: lfb Skripte (1).
Verbrecher Verlag: Berlin, pp. 107-120.
ISBN 9783957320834
Schonfield, E.
1968 and transnational history in Emine Sevgi Özdamar’s Die Brücke vom Goldenen Horn.
German Life and Letters, 68(1),
pp. 66-87.
(doi: 10.1111/glal.12069)
Schonfield, E.
Edwin Morgan and European modernism.
In: Riach, A. (ed.)
The International Companion to Edwin Morgan.
Scottish Literature International: Glasgow, pp. 116-129.
ISBN 9781908980144
Schonfield, E.
Graevenitz, Gerhart von. Theodor Fontane: Ängstliche Moderne. Über das Imaginäre. Konstanz: Konstanz University Press, 2014.
German Quarterly, 88(1),
pp. 104-105.
(doi: 10.1111/gequ.10228)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Retail organization and political capital: Fallada’s Kleiner Mann – was nun? and Brecht’s Dreigroschenroman.
In: Weiss-Sussex, G. and Zitzlsperger, U. (eds.)
Tales of Commerce and Imagination: Department Stores and Modernity in Film and Literature / Konsum und Imagination: Das Warenhaus und die Moderne in Film und Literatur.
Peter Lang: Frankfurt am Main, pp. 145-161.
ISBN 9783631642337
Schonfield, E.
Das emotionale Wirkungspotenzial von Erzähltexten: Mit Fallstudien zu Kafka, Perutz und Werfel by Claudia Hillebrandt.
Modern Language Review, 109(1),
pp. 280-282.
(doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.109.1.0280)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Steven Howe. Heinrich von Kleist and Jean-Jacques Rousseau: Violence, Identity, Nation. Rochester, N.Y.: Camden House, 2012.
Orbis Litterarum, 68(6),
pp. 523-524.
(doi: 10.1111/oli.12034)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
On the road to Mecca with Trojanow and Burton.
In: Preece, J. (ed.)
Ilija Trojanow.
Series: Contemporary German writers and filmmakers (2).
Peter Lang: Oxford, UK, pp. 81-97.
ISBN 9783034308946
Schonfield, E.
Wirtschaftlicher Strukturwandel in Theodor Fontanes Der Stechlin.
In: Howe, P. and Broomer, E.M. (eds.)
Theodor Fontane: Dichter des Übergangs. Beiträge zur Frühjahrstagung der Theodor Fontane Gesellschaft 2010.
Series: Fontaneana (10).
Königshausen & Neumann: Würzburg, Germany, pp. 91-108.
ISBN 9783826050602
Schonfield, E.
Satire and laughter in Heine’s Deutschland: Ein Wintermärchen.
Oxford German Studies, 41(2),
pp. 181-196.
(doi: 10.1179/0078719112Z.00000000011)
Schonfield, E.
The Cambridge Introduction to Thomas Mann by Todd Kontje.
Modern Language Review, 107(3),
pp. 983-984.
(doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.107.3.0983)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Mythos Künstler: Konstruktionen und Dekonstruktionen in der deutschsprachigen Prosa des 20. Jahrhunderts by Gabriele Feulner.
Modern Language Review, 107(3),
pp. 981-983.
(doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.107.3.0981)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Compromise and collectivity in Wilhelm Meisters Lehrjahre.
Publications of the English Goethe Society, 81(1),
pp. 12-25.
(doi: 10.1179/0959368311Z.0000000004)
Schonfield, E.
The idea of European unity in Heinrich Mann's political essays of the 1920s and early 1930s.
In: Hewitson, M. and D'Auria, M. (eds.)
Europe in Crisis: Intellectuals and the European Idea, 1917-1957.
Berghahn: New York, NY, USA, pp. 257-270.
ISBN 9780857457271
Schonfield, E.
Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks as bestseller.
In: Woodford, C. and Schofield, B. (eds.)
The German Bestseller in the Late Nineteenth Century.
Series: Studies in German literature, linguistics, and culture.
Camden House: Rochester, NY, USA, pp. 95-112.
ISBN 9781571134875
Schonfield, E.
Hans Rudolf Vaget, Thomas Mann, Der Amerikaner.
Angermion, 5(1),
pp. 234-237.
(doi: 10.1515/anger-2012-0010)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
A Companion to the Works of Hermann Hesse by Ingo Cornils.
Modern Language Review, 106(4),
pp. 1190-1191.
(doi: 10.5699/modelangrevi.106.4.1190)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Melodrama and the gaze in Thomas Mann’s “Der kleine Herr Friedemann”.
Publications of the English Goethe Society, 80(2-3),
pp. 153-165.
(doi: 10.1179/095936811X12997586789412)
Schonfield, E.
Masters and menials in Hebel's Calendar Stories.
Oxford German Studies, 40(1),
pp. 35-45.
(doi: 10.1179/007871911x568025)
Schonfield, E.
Myths of Anglo-German surrealism: Max Ernst and Leonora Carrington.
In: Görner, R. and Nicholls, A. (eds.)
In the Embrace of the Swan: Anglo-German Mythologies in Literature, the Visual Arts and Cultural Theory.
Series: Spectrum Literaturwissenschaft (18).
Walter de Gruyter: Berlin, Germany, pp. 231-259.
ISBN 9783110209587
Schonfield, E.
Alfred Döblin und Thomas Mann: Eine wechselvolle literarische Beziehung. (Epistemata: Reihe Literaturwissenschaft, 610) by Oliver Bernhardt.
Modern Language Review, 104(2),
pp. 597-599.
[Book Review]
Davies, S. and Schonfield, E. (Eds.)
Alfred Döblin: Paradigms of Modernism.
Series: Publications of the Institute of Germanic Studies (Institute of Germanic & Romance Studies, School of Advanced Study, University of London).
De Gruyter: Berlin and London.
ISBN 9783110217698
Schonfield, E.
Moonstone and “Mondgebirge”: Exile and identity in Wilhelm Raabe and Wilkie Collins.
In: Göttsche, D. and Krobb, F. (eds.)
Wilhelm Raabe: Global Themes – International Perspectives.
Legenda: London, UK, pp. 138-148.
ISBN 9781906540012
Schonfield, E.
November 1918: topography of a revolution.
In: Davies, S. and Schonfield, E. (eds.)
Alfred Döblin: Paradigms of Modernism.
de Gruyter/IGRS: Berlin, Germany, London, UK, pp. 276-295.
ISBN 9783110217698
Schonfield, E.
Overturning 'Dr. Faustus': Rereading Thomas Mann's Novel in Light of 'Observations of a Non-Political Man' by Frances Lee.
Modern Language Review, 103(4),
pp. 1160-1161.
(doi: 10.2307/20468096)[Book Review]
Schonfield, E.
Art and its Uses in Thomas Mann's Felix Krull.
Series: Bithell series of dissertations, 32.
Maney Publishing for the Modern Humanities Research Association: London.
ISBN 9781905981052
Schonfield, E.
Brecht and the modern picaresque.
In: Gillett, R. and Weiss-Sussex, G. (eds.)
Verwisch die Spuren. Bertolt Brecht’s Work and Legacy: A Reassessment,.
Series: Amsterdamer Beiträge zur neueren Germanistik (66).
Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 57-75.
ISBN 9780854572182
Schonfield, E.
Civilization in the dining room: Table manners in Thomas Mann’s Buddenbrooks.
In: Fulbrook, M. (ed.)
Un-Civilizing Processes: Excess and Transgression in German Society and Culture: Perspectives Debating with Norbert Elias.
Series: German Monitor (66).
Rodopi: Amsterdam, The Netherlands, pp. 157-173.
ISBN 9789042021518
Schonfield, E.
Das schwarze Pantheon. Hubert Fichte als Vaudouforscher.
In: Bandel, J.-F. and Gillett, R. (eds.)
Hubert Fichte. Texte und Kontexte.
Series: Bibliothek Rosa Winkel. Sonderreihe Wissenschaft (4).
Männerschwarm: Hamburg, Germany, pp. 113-130.
ISBN 9783939542186
Schonfield, E.
Mann Re-Joyces: The dissemination of myth in Ulysses and Joseph, Finnegans Wake and Doctor Faustus.
Comparative Critical Studies, 3(3),
pp. 269-290.
(doi: 10.3366/ccs.2006.3.3.269)
This list was generated on Sun Feb 16 12:06:24 2025 GMT.