Collaborating with galleries

Published: 26 November 2014

Dr Catriona Macdonald and the Scottish National Portrait Gallery

For Dr Catriona MacDonald, an appreciation of the role that visual arts can have in the study of history has been enhanced by a number of collaborations. The foundations were laid when she acted as a consultant on the NationLive exhibition at the Scottish National Portrait Gallery. From there, a chain of events has led to further collaboration with NPG staff on poetry, song and Scottish history; a session with the artist Roddy Buchanan at the Edinburgh Book Festival coinciding with his residency at Edinburgh College of Art, and further engagement in material history as a Trustee of the National Museums of Scotland. Material sources have always been part of Dr MacDonald’s teaching – she leads a Masters field trip to Glasgow Life’s Nitshill depository every year – but recent collaborations have now infused her research with the insights that such objects and the visual arts can bring. This is recently evidenced in a publication for the University of Mainz, a partner university of the College of Arts, in which her work with the NPG was a core element. 

Project Partners:
Scottish National Portrait Gallery


To learn more about this project or to discuss developing a partnership with the College of Arts please contact Dr Fraser Rowan the College of Arts Business Development manager by email or phone (0141 330 3885).

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First published: 26 November 2014

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