Dr Ryan Mulholland

  • Research Assistant (Health Economics & Health Technology Assessment)

email: Ryan.Mulholland@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: He/him/his

Clarice Pears Building, 90 Byres Rd, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, G12 8TB

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0009-0008-7250-7464


Ryan joined HEHTA in 2022 as a trainee health economist, having previously worked in the Clinical Trials Unit at the Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, and as a junior doctor in South-East Scotland. He obtained his medical degree from the University of Edinburgh in 2018, and completed a MSc in Precision Medicine and Pharmacological Innovation at the University of Glasgow in 2020, graduating with a distinction. 
His research interests include analysis of linked health data, evidence synthesis, the economics of precision medicine, and economic evaluation alongside clinical trials, particularly within the field of oncology.
Ryan represents HEHTA in the community engagement with research group within the School of Health and Wellbeing and was involved in the development of the Byres Community Hub at the Clarice Pears Building.  He is also a member of the SHW Athena Swan LGBTQ+ working group.

Research interests

Ryan's current work is focused on the use of real-world evidence in HTA, particularly within oncology and cardiovascular disease, and evidence synthesis. 

He is also involved in the economic evaluation of new products submitted to the Scottish Medicines Consortium (SMC). 



Ryan is currently supervising two MSc HTA dissertation projects. 



Previous MSc HTA dissertation projects:

2022/2023: Economic evaluation of mirikizumab for treating moderate to severe ulcerative colitis -Birsen Can Aksan. 


Ryan currently teaches on the following MSc HTA courses:


  • Real-world data in healthcare decision making (MED5378)
  • Health economics for HTA (MED5023)


He also marks MSc HTA and MPH dissertations.