Dr Hilllary Collins
- Research Associate (General Practice & Primary Care)
Hilllary Collins is a Research Associate in General Practice and Primary Care. They have previously worked on research projects related to systems change in mental health and wellbeing services, perinatal and infant mental health stigma, protection of children from violence, primary care training for medical undergraduates and the co-location of welfare advice hubs in primary care.
Hilllary undertook a PhD at the MRC/CSO Social and Public Health Sciences Unit, University of Glasgow titled: "Maternal perceptions of 'parental determinism', media representations of parenting, and how these impact on their wellbeing", completed in 2022. The PhD project ranged across the subject areas of parenting culture studies, medical sociology and media and communication studies and used methods including qualitative media content analysis, thematic analysis of interviews with mothers and scoping literature reviewing.
Before that, Hilllary worked in administrative roles in applied health research and higher education and as a community nurse.
Research interests
- The sociology of health and illness
- Health services research
- Parenting culture studies
- Media representations of health, illness and identity
- Audience reception studies