Performance and Development Review 2021

Published: 14 March 2018

A new PDR process is expected to launch in July 2021, and IHW staff are encouraged to put dates in diaries as soon as possible to meet the sign-off deadline of 30 September 2021

Formal policy details are still to be confirmed but it’s expected that the online PDR process will be launched on 20 July 2021 and must be concluded/signed off by both parties on the system, by 30 September 2021.

Photo of person in patterned shirt using laptop

This is an opportunity to put meeting dates in your diaries to ensure PDRs are completed within the timescale.

We hope that new policy and instructions will be available on the HR PDR website soon. 

Further information below:

  1. Retention of a simplified and streamlined approach to PDR with a focus on career progression and development.
  2. The conduct of the PDR process retaining 1:1 development discussions and objective/outcome related deliverables as outlined in the PDR policy.
  3. Discontinuation of performance ratings, other than for colleagues participating in ECDP (and those for whom performance concerns have been highlighted), to allow any issues of performance to be identified and addressed with a view to supporting career development and progression.
  4. Disaggregation of performance and reward.
  5. A set of online forms containing core content and key themes consistent with our job family approach.

Separate performance pay arrangements are expected to be developed. Such arrangements are likely to be timed for autumn 2021, to take place after PDR discussions have concluded.

First published: 14 March 2018