Contribute to UofG gender-based violence review

Published: 14 March 2018

UofG's approach to addressing gender-based violence (GBV) is currently being reviewed and we encourage staff and students to engage with this important process

IHW encourages staff and students to contribute to this independent review of UofG's approach to addressing gender-based violence, led by Morag Ross QC.

image depicting an aspect of dignity at work (sexual harassment is unwanted behavior of sexual nature which violates a person dignity)

CONTENT WARNING References to sexual misconduct and assault. (If you would like to access support without reading further, please visit the UofG dignity at work and study webpage.)

As noted before the launch of the review, "gender-based violence cannot be considered on its own. It is important to look at it within a wider context, which encompasses other forms of bullying and harassment. More generally, organisational culture, expectations about behaviour and the wider social environment have to be considered".

The term "gender-based violence" covers a range of violence and abuse that includes domestic abuse, rape, sexual assault, harassment, commercial sexual exploitation and harmful practices, committed disproportionately by men against women. Harassment can be subtle and insidious, creating an intimidating and hostile environment.

If any IHW member wishes to share relevant experience, information or concerns or otherwise make representations, please consider contributing to the review. More information can be found on the Equality and Diversity website and Ms Ross can be contacted in confidence at

Find out more about this review and how to participate

First published: 14 March 2018