A dedicated SWiM website has been created to accompany the new SWiM reporting guideline for systematic reviews which do not use meta-analysis.

The SWiM website provides links to webinars, a virtual discussion network, and online training module, and key resources for authors.  The SWiM reporting guideline is published in the BMJ, and has attracted considerable attention in the three weeks since publication (over 9000 downloads), recognising the need for clearer guidance for reviews which are not able to perform meta-analysis.  There is a widespread misconception that meta-analysis is an essential component of a systematic review. Yet, only half of Cochrane reviews rely solely on meta-analysis to synthesise data.

The SWiM work has been led by colleagues at SPHSU - Mhairi Campbell, Vittal Katikireddi, and Hilary Thomson (PI) - and was funded by the Cochrane Strategic Methods Fund.

First published: 28 June 2018