IHW suggestions box

Published: 16 May 2018

Is there an event or activity you'd like us to organise? A change to a process, practice, or to the IHW culture? Something we could be doing better or differently, or you're wondering about? Add something to our e-suggestions/questions box (anonymously if you wish) and let us know your thoughts and ideas.

Is there an event or activity you'd like us to organise? A change to a process, practice, or to the IHW culture? Something we could be doing better or differently, or you're wondering about?  

Photo of ballot or suggestions box with hand

If so, please use our electronic form to submit your suggestion or ask a question. Please provide your name/email if you require a quick response or would like to be involved in the implementation of your suggestion. 

Your suggestion will be submitted anonymously. (Please avoid identifying detail in free text fields if you wish to remain anonymous.)

All suggestions will be reviewed and, where possible, implemented, pending the approval of the IHW Management Group. 

We take all suggestions seriously, and will regularly feed back on our You said we did webpage on any actions taken.

First published: 16 May 2018