Praise and awards continue for 2 of our leading staff members

Published: 15 September 2022

Professor Kelum Gamage meets Sri Lankan President. Dr Abbasi awarded IEEE prize in Denver.

Professor Kelum Gamage presented his new edited volume on 'Sustainability in HE Learning and Teaching' to both the President and Ex-President of Sri Lanka

During a recent visit to Sri Lanka, Professor Gamage met current Sri Lankan president Mr. Ranil Wickremesinghe and former president Mr. Maithripala Sirisena. Due to the importance of his scholarly outputs, he was given the opportunity to present his latest edited collection of essays to these distinguished hosts. Both were happy to receive copies of the Wiley Handbook of Sustainability in Higher Education Learning and Teaching. Professor Gamage's wife and sons, present for the event, looked on with pride.

Dr Kelum Gamage shows his book to Sri Lankan President

Above: Professor Kelum Gamage and President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Dr Qammer H. Abbasi wins 'Best Chapter' at IEEE Symposium in the 'Mile High City'

Dr Qammer Abbasi posing with prize for Best Chapter

Dr Abbasi won 'Best Chapter' at the 2022 IEEE International Symposium on Antennas and Propagation & USNC-URSI Radio Science Meeting in Denver, Colorado (USA) - also known as the 'Mile High City'. The engraved award was presented on stage before a live audience of delegates. The Chapter Vice Chairs are Dr. Masood Ur Rehman and Dr Hasan Abbas, also from Glasgow College UESTC and James Watt School of Engineering. Congratulations to all!

Above are shown Dr Abbasi and IEEE Antenna and Propagation Society President Prof Gianluca Lazzi.

First published: 15 September 2022