International Educational Assessment Network

Published: 20 August 2019

Members of UGEAN have played a major role in the establishment of this innovative international network, which brings together policy makers and researchers from twelve nations and states to tackle collaboratively some of assessment’s most intransigent challenges.

Members of UGEAN have played a major role in the establishment of this innovative international network.

The International Educational Assessment Network brings together policy makers and researchers from twelve nations and states to tackle collaboratively some of assessment’s most intransigent challenges. As countries internationally attempt to bring assessment purposes into better alignment, small countries potentially have much to learn from one another.  The size of the country is a major factor in what approaches to the management of change are likely to have greatest impact. Collaboration across communities also matters. Research in sustainable change suggests that researchers, policy makers and practitioners have to work together to build policy and to anticipate and tackle potential challenges as policy is enacted (Hayward & Spencer, 2010, Hayward, 2015).   Relationships across communities have to be fostered and, for conversations to be sufficiently open to be able to tackle difficult challenges, all participants need to be in a safe space.  Yet, all too often, assessment conversations are carried out in very public arenas, e.g., in the press, and there are few opportunities for safe spaces where international assessment research and policy communities can explore ideas, debate challenges and learn from one another’s experiences in a secure environment.  The International Education Assessment Network of Small Nations and States (IEAN) has been established to provide such a safe, creative space.  

First published: 20 August 2019