Dr Piotr Wegorowski

  • Lecturer in Applied Linguistics (English Language & Linguistics)

telephone: 01413302078
email: Piotr.Wegorowski@glasgow.ac.uk
pronouns: He/him/his

Room 4.02(16), 12 University Gardens, Glasgow, G12 8QQ

Import to contacts

ORCID iDhttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-2074-4050


I joined the University of Glasgow in 2019, having completed my PhD at Cardiff University. My doctorate was part of the large AHRC project “Translation and Translanguaging: Investigating linguistic and cultural transformations in superdiverse wards in four UK cities (2014-2018)” (TLANG), and my wider research interests include translanguaging and multilingualism.

Immediately prior to taking up my current post I worked as a Teacher in English Language at Cardiff University. I was responsible for teaching on one of the core modules of MA in Forensic Linguistics, a degree of which I am a proud graduate. I also have experience of teaching at an undergraduate level, having worked as an associate lecturer at the University of Gloucestershire and the University of West of England.

Research interests

Research Interests

My research interests include institutional and professional discourse, and in my doctoral work I investigated the language used by Police Community Support Officers in interactions with members of the public. As a linguistic ethnographer, I am interested in how and why use language in different contexts, and my work draws on interactional sociolinguistics. More recently, I have also been involved in research in the area of public administration, looking at corporatisation within local authorities, and I am currently thinking of ways in which some of the findings can be of use to discourse analysts.



List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2023 | 2020 | 2018
Number of items: 5.


Ferry, L., Wegorowski, P. and Andrews, R. (2023) Hybridity, institutional logics and value creation mechanisms in the corporatisation of social care. British Accounting Review, (doi: 10.1016/j.bar.2023.101244) (In Press)

Węgorowski, P. (2023) Tying ethnography down: Linguistic approaches to investigating community policing. In: Fleming, J. and Charman, S. (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Police Ethnography. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 596-409. ISBN 9780367539399


Andrews, R., Ferry, L., Skelcher, C. and Wegorowski, P. (2020) Corporatization in the public sector: explaining the growth of local government companies. Public Administration Review, 80(3), pp. 482-493. (doi: 10.1111/puar.13052)


Ferry, L., Andrews, R., Skelcher, C. and Wegorowski, P. (2018) New development: corporatization of local authorities in England in the wake of austerity 2010–2016. Public Money and Management, 38(6), pp. 477-480. (doi: 10.1080/09540962.2018.1486629)

Węgorowski, P. (2018) Fiona Copland and Angela Creese, with Frances Rock and Sara Shaw, Linguistic Ethnography: Collecting, Analysing and Presenting Data. Qualitative Research, 18(2), pp. 243-244. (doi: 10.1177/1468794115618007)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Thu Oct 3 13:26:30 2024 BST.
Number of items: 5.


Ferry, L., Wegorowski, P. and Andrews, R. (2023) Hybridity, institutional logics and value creation mechanisms in the corporatisation of social care. British Accounting Review, (doi: 10.1016/j.bar.2023.101244) (In Press)

Andrews, R., Ferry, L., Skelcher, C. and Wegorowski, P. (2020) Corporatization in the public sector: explaining the growth of local government companies. Public Administration Review, 80(3), pp. 482-493. (doi: 10.1111/puar.13052)

Ferry, L., Andrews, R., Skelcher, C. and Wegorowski, P. (2018) New development: corporatization of local authorities in England in the wake of austerity 2010–2016. Public Money and Management, 38(6), pp. 477-480. (doi: 10.1080/09540962.2018.1486629)

Book Sections

Węgorowski, P. (2023) Tying ethnography down: Linguistic approaches to investigating community policing. In: Fleming, J. and Charman, S. (eds.) Routledge International Handbook of Police Ethnography. Routledge: London and New York, pp. 596-409. ISBN 9780367539399

Book Reviews

Węgorowski, P. (2018) Fiona Copland and Angela Creese, with Frances Rock and Sara Shaw, Linguistic Ethnography: Collecting, Analysing and Presenting Data. Qualitative Research, 18(2), pp. 243-244. (doi: 10.1177/1468794115618007)[Book Review]

This list was generated on Thu Oct 3 13:26:30 2024 BST.




I convene two post-graduate taught courses: Forensic Linguistics (ENGLANG5126) and Multilingualism: Individuals, Institutions and Society (ENGLANG5129). I also contribute to Applying Linguistics in Social and Professional Life (ENGLANG5117). The courses have been designed to form part of our MSc in Applied Linguistics but can be taken by students attending other postgraduate taught degrees within English Language & Linguistics and beyond. Please get in touch if you have any questions.

In addition, I convene and teach an Honours-level course Professional Discourse and Conversation Analysis (ENGLANG4050).