Number of items: 33.
Gay, D. , Walton, H. and Ross, M.
Discerning Scotland's Future: Ecumenical conversations in Scottish churches about Scotland’s constitutional future.
[Research Reports or Papers]
Gay, D.
On conciliarity and Protestantisation: a Reformed Presbyterian perspective on synodality.
In: McKinney, S., O’Loughlin, T. and Tóth, B. (eds.)
Synodality and the Recovery of Vatican II: A New Way for Catholics.
Messenger Publications.
ISBN 9781788126724
Gay, D.
Worship and discipleship as meta-themes in the theology of John Swinton.
In: van Ommen, A. L. and Brock, B. R. (eds.)
Disciples and Friends: Investigations in Disability, Dementia, and Mental Health.
Baylor University Press.
ISBN 9781481317009
Gay, D.
Discipling populism: a theopolitical alternative to denial or demonizing.
In: Schmiedel, U. and Ralston, J. (eds.)
The Spirit of Populism: Political Theologies in Polarized Times.
Series: Political and public theologies (1).
Brill: Leiden ; Boston, pp. 212-225.
ISBN 9789004498310
(doi: 10.1163/9789004498327_015)
Toth, L. and Gay, D.
Editorial: theology and the environment.
Theology in Scotland, 28(2),
pp. 1-4.
(doi: 10.15664/tis.v28i2.2322)
Gay, D.
The Edinburgh books and the Iowa books: the challenge of Marilynne Robinson’s literary-theological recovery of Calvin and Calvinism.
Marilynne Robinson and Theology.
Series: KVHAA Konferenser (105).
KVHAA (Kungl. Vitterhets Historie Och Antikvitets Akademien): Stockholm, pp. 89-106.
ISBN 9789188763259
Denham, J., Gay, D. , Lampard, R., Reddie, A. and Ryan, B.
Responses from beyond Anglicanism.
In: Chaplin, J. and Bradstock, A. (eds.)
The Future of Brexit Britain: Anglican Reflections on National Identity and European Solidarity.
SPCK Publishing: London.
ISBN 9780281084296
Gay, D.
Theological constructions of Scottish national identity.
In: Fergusson, D. and Elliott, M. (eds.)
The History of Scottish Theology. Volume III: The Long Twentieth Century.
Oxford University Press: Oxford.
ISBN 9780198759355
Gay, D.
Church and State in Scotland: Developing Law. By Francis Lyall.
Journal of Church and State, 60(3),
pp. 545-547.
(doi: 10.1093/jcs/csy039)[Book Review]
Gay, D.
The Kirk and the Union.
Scottish Affairs, 27(1),
pp. 92-98.
(doi: 10.3366/scot.2018.0227)
Gay, D.
God Be In My Mouth: 40 Ways to Grow as a Preacher.
St. Andrew Press: London.
ISBN 9780861539963
Gay, D.
Reforming The Kirk: the Future of the Church of Scotland.
Saint Andrew Press: London/Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780861539017
Gay, D.
‘The Practical is Political’ — Duncan Forrester and the ‘political service’ of theology in Scotland.
Practical Theology, 10(3),
pp. 277-290.
(doi: 10.1080/1756073X.2017.1354513)
Gay, D.
(Re)imagining Scotland's future.
In: Barrow, S. and Small, M. (eds.)
Scotland 2021.
Bella Caledonia/Ekklesia: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780993294235
Gay, D.
Andrew N. T. Muirhead, Reformation, Dissent and Diversity – The Story of Scotland’s Churches 1560–1960.
Theology, 119(3),
pp. 224-225.
(doi: 10.1177/0040571X15623749o)[Book Review]
Gay, D.
Between Kin and Cosmopolis, an ethic of the nation.
Third Way, 39(4),
p. 41.
[Book Review]
Gay, D.
Honey from the Lion: Christianity and the Ethics of Nationalism.
SCM: London.
ISBN 9780334046479
Gay, D.
Prospective practitioners: a pioneer’s progress.
In: Baker, J. and Ross, C. (eds.)
The Pioneer Gift: Explorations in Mission.
Canterbury Press: Norwich, pp. 39-54.
ISBN 9781848256514
Gay, D.
Is a christian vision of Scottish identity viable in the early 21st century?
Scottish Bulletin of Evangelical Theology, 31(1),
pp. 33-42.
Gay, D.
Uncommon order? Possible futures of worship in the Church of Scotland.
In: Stewart, J. (ed.)
A Useable Past: Belief, Worship and Song in Reformation Context.
Scottish Church Service Society: Edinburgh.
ISBN 9780992772505
Gay, D.
Patriotism good - nationalism bad? The news from Scotland.
Modern Believing, 53(4),
(doi: 10.3828/MB.53.4.419)
Gay, D.
On Englishness.
Anvil, 28(2),
Gay, D.
The hind let loose or a deer caught in the headlights? Gordon Brown does God in public.
Crucible: The Journal of Christian Social Ethics,
Gay, D.C.
Review essay: rewiring practical theology.
Political Theology, 12(4),
pp. 596-600.
[Book Review]
Gay, D.C.
Remixing the Church: The Five Moves of Emerging Ecclesiology.
SCM Press: London, UK.
ISBN 9780334043966
Forrester, D. B. and Gay, D. (Eds.)
Worship and Liturgy in Context.
SCM: London.
ISBN 9780334041689
Gay, D.
Gordon Brown and his presbyterian moral compass.
In: Scott, P., Baker, C.R. and Graham, E.L. (eds.)
Remoralizing Britain? Political, Ethical and Theological Perspectives on New Labour.
Series: Continuum resources in religion and political culture.
Continuum: London, UK.
ISBN 9780826444141
Gay, D.
Boulton, M. M. 2008. God against Religion: Rethinking Christian Theology through Worship. Grand Rapids: Eerdmans. 260pp. Pbk. ISBN: 978-0802829726. £15.99.
Practical Theology, 1(3),
pp. 366-367.
(doi: 10.1558/prth.v1i3.366)[Book Review]
Gay, D. and Rienstra, R.
Veering off the via media: emerging church, alternative worship, and new media technologies in the United States and United Kingdom.
Liturgy, 23(3),
pp. 39-47.
(doi: 10.1080/04580630802003693)
Gay, D.
Faith in, with and under Gordon Brown - a Scottish Presbyterian/Calvinist reflection.
International Journal of Public Theology, 1(3-4),
pp. 306-321.
(doi: 10.1163/156973207X231644)
Gay, D.
"Embodying divine economy": credit unions as the practice of political theology.
Political Theology, 8(1),
pp. 117-122.
(doi: 10.1558/poth.2007.8.1.117)
Gay, D.
Worship alternatives: use of arts and creativity in worship.
In: Eastman, M. and Latham, S. (eds.)
Urban Church: A Practitioner's Resource Book.
SPCK: London, UK.
ISBN 9780281056033
Baker, J., Gay, D. and Brown, J.
Alternative Worship.
SPCK: London, UK.
ISBN 9780281053964
This list was generated on Thu Feb 13 20:00:29 2025 GMT.