Mr Richard Paterson

  • Affiliate (School of Culture & Creative Arts)


List by: Type | Date

Jump to: 2022 | 2021 | 2018 | 2017 | 2016 | 2014 | 2012 | 2010 | 2008 | 2005 | 2004 | 2003 | 2002 | 2001 | 2000 | 1999 | 1998 | 1997 | 1996 | 1995 | 1993 | 1992 | 1991 | 1990 | 1988 | 1987 | 1985 | 1984 | 1983 | 1981 | 1980 | 1976
Number of items: 58.


Paterson, R. (2022) Handmaidens of consolidation in the UK television production sector. Journal of Media Business Studies, 19(3), pp. 168-184. (doi: 10.1080/16522354.2021.1952037)


Doyle, G. , Paterson, R. and Barr, K. (2021) Television Production in Transition: Independence, Scale, Sustainability and the Digital Challenge. Series: Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business. Springer: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030632144 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-63215-1)


Paterson, R. (2018) Modelling the Evolution of the TV Drama Production Sector in the UK. [Research Reports or Papers]


Paterson, R. (2017) The competition discourse in British broadcasting policy. [Research Reports or Papers]

Paterson, R. (2017) The British Film Institute: between culture and industry. In: Hunter, I.Q., Porter, L. and Smith, J. T. (eds.) Routledge Companion to British Cinema. Routledge, pp. 242-250. ISBN 9780415706193

Paterson, R. (2017) Early independent production entrepreneurs in UK television: agents of a neo-liberal intervention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(3), pp. 280-298. (doi: 10.1504/IJEV.2017.086496)


Paterson, R. (2016) Navigating the governmentality of film in the UK. In: Robins, K. and Şeyben, B. Y. (eds.) Cultural Policy and Management Research Centre (KPY) Yearbook 2014-2015: Cultural Interventions. Istanbul Bilgi University Press: Istanbul, pp. 45-51. ISBN 9786053994367


Paterson, R. (2014) Partnerships with a purpose: creating cultural and commercial value in the UK film sector. In: Greenaway, D. and Rudd, C. D. (eds.) The Business Growth Benefits of Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 136-148. ISBN 9781349457809


Paterson, R. (2012) The BFI and television. In: Nowell-Smith, G. and Dupin, C. (eds.) The British Film Institute, the Government and Film Culture, 1933-2000. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719079085

Paterson, R. (2012) Working as a freelance in UK television. In: Dawson, A. and Holmes, S. (eds.) Working in the Global Film Industries: Systems, Space, Patronage and Creativity. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 91-108. ISBN 9781780930206


Doyle, G. and Paterson, R. (2010) Die produktion unabhängigen fersehens in Grossbritannien. Öffentliche politik, kreativität und wachstum. In: Lantzsch, K., Altmeppen, K.D. and Will, A. (eds.) Handbuch Unterhaltungsproduktion : Beschaffung und Produktion von Fernsehunterhaltung. Series: The business of entertainment: medien, märkte, management. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 34-66. ISBN 9783531160016

Paterson, R. (2010) The contingencies of creative work in television. Open Communication Journal, 4, pp. 1-9.

Paterson, R. (2010) The contingencies of creative work in television. Open Communication Journal, 4, pp. 1-9. (doi: 10.2174/1874916X01004010001)


Doyle, G. and Paterson, R. (2008) Public policy and independent television production in the UK. Journal of Media Business Studies, 5(3), pp. 15-31.


Paterson, R. (2005) Archive-Culture-Creativity. In: City+Culture+Human. Asian Culture Symposium: Gwangju, South Korea.


Paterson, R. (2004) Making the National Film and Television Archive accessible. Multimedia Information and Technology, 30(4),


Paterson, R. (2003) Education, Information and Archives - the BFI in the Digital World. In: European Audiovisual Observatory, (ed.) Transparency: 10 Years of Transparency in the Audiovisual Sector. European Audiovisual Observatory: Strasbourg.


Paterson, R. (2002) Sclerosis of the schedules: UK TV fiction in 2001. In: Buonnano, M. (ed.) Eurofiction: Television Fiction in Europe Report 2002. European Audiovisual Observatory: Strasbourg.

Paterson, R. (2002) A framework for the analysis of television. In: Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. (eds.) The Media: An Introduction (Second Edition). Longman: Harlow, England ; New York, pp. 135-147. ISBN 9780582423466


Paterson, R. (2001) Work histories in television. Media, Culture and Society, 23(4), pp. 495-520. (doi: 10.1177/016344301023004005)

Paterson, R. (2001) The television labour market in Britain. In: Tunstall, J. (ed.) Media Occupations and Professions: A Reader. Series: Oxford readers in media and communication. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 203-213. ISBN 9780198742463


Dex, S., Paterson, R. , Willis, J. and Sheppard, E. (2000) Freelance workers and contract uncertainty: the effects of contractual changes in the television industry. Work, Employment and Society, 14(2), pp. 283-305. (doi: 10.1177/09500170022118419)


Paterson, R. (1999) Accommodating to the market or creating quality? British Tv fiction in 1997. In: Buonanno, M. (ed.) Shifting Landscapes: Television Fiction in Europe. University of Luton Press: Luton, pp. 97-107. ISBN 9781860205668

Paterson, R. (1999) Freunde, Trottel und Pferde: Fiktionale Fernsehendungen in Grossbrtitannien in Jahr 1996. In: Buonanno, M. (ed.) Eurofiction 1: Fiktionale Fernsehendung in Europa. Halem: Cologne. ISBN 9783931606282

Paterson, R. (1999) Tracking the television audience. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Audiences: Multiple Voices. Series: Interferenze (3). Edizioni Fondazione Hypercampo: Florence.

Paterson, R. , Sheppard, E., Willis, J. and Dex, S. (1999) Television Industry Tracking Study: Third Report. [Research Reports or Papers]


Smith, A. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1998) Television: An International History. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198159285


Paterson, R. (1997) Dawn of the digits: the BFI and the information society. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 12(4), pp. 283-286. (doi: 10.1093/llc/12.4.283)

Paterson, R. (1997) British TV fiction in the Nineties. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Television Fiction and Identities: America, Europe, Nations. Ipermedium: Naples. ISBN 9788886908115

Paterson, R. (1997) Evidence of identities. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Television Fiction and Identities: America, Europe, Nations. Ipermedium: Naples. ISBN 9788886908115

Paterson, R. (1997) Policy implications of economic and cultural value chains. In: Lange, U. T. and Goldhammer, K. (eds.) Exploring the Limits: Europe's Changing Communication Environment. Springer: Berlin, pp. 169-186. ISBN 9783642645365 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-60746-2_9)


Gow, J., Paterson, R. and Preston, A. (Eds.) (1996) Bosnia by Television. BFI: London. ISBN 0851706126


Paterson, R. (1995) Is there a need for a European film policy? In: Contamine, C. and van Dusseldorp, M. (eds.) Towards the Digital Revolution: European Television and Film Between Market and Regulation. European Institute for the Media: Düsseldorf. ISBN 9783929673159

Paterson, R. (1995) London life, London television. In: Petrie, D. and Willis, J. (eds.) Television and the Household: Reports from the BFI's Audience Tracking Study. Series: BFI working papers (4). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 65-75. ISBN 9780851705040


Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1993) Hollywood of Europe? The Future of British Film. Series: UK film initiatives. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851704654

Drummond, P., Paterson, R. and Willis, J. (Eds.) (1993) National Identity and Europe: the Television Revolution. Series: European media monographs. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851703824

Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1993) Reinventing the Organisation. Series: BBC charter review series. BFI: London. ISBN 0851704271

Paterson, R. (1993) New model BBC. In: Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (eds.) Reinventing the Organisation. Series: The BBC charter review series (4). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9780851704272


Paterson, R. (1992) Changing conditions of independent productions in the UK. In: Petrie, D. J. (ed.) New Questions of British Cinema. Series: BFI working papers (2). BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851703220


Paterson, R. (1991) Organisation et Financement de la Television Regionale. In: Musso, P. (ed.) Regions d'Europe et Television. Editions Miroir. ISBN 9782840030034


Paterson, R. (Ed.) (1990) Organising for Change. Series: The Broadcasting Debate. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851702513

Paterson, R. (1990) The economic organisation of TV production. In: Paterson, R. (ed.) Organising for Change. Series: The broadcasting debate (1). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 44-64. ISBN 9780851702513

Paterson, R. (1990) A suitable schedule for the family. In: Goodwin, A. and Whannel, G. (eds.) Television Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 30-41. ISBN 9780415016728

Stevenson, W. and Paterson, R. (1990) A channel in the public interest. In: Blanchard, S. (ed.) The Challenge of Channel Five. Series: The broadcasting debate (7). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 54-59. ISBN 9780851702872


Drummond, P. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1988) Television and its Audience: International Research Perspectives ; a Selection of Papers from the Second International Television Studies Conference London, 1986. British Film Institute: London. ISBN 9780851702247


Paterson, R. (1987) Restyling masculinity: the impact of Boys from the Blackstuff. In: Curran, J., Smith, A. and Wingate, P. (eds.) Impacts and Influences: Essays on Media Power in the Twentieth Century. Methuen & Co. Ltd: London, pp. 218-230. ISBN 9780416006025


Drummond, P. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1985) Television in Transition: Papers from the First International Television Studies Conference. British Film Institute: London. ISBN 9780851701820


Paterson, R. (Ed.) (1984) Boys from the Blackstuff. Series: BFI dossier. BFI: London.

Paterson, R. (1984) Fragments of Neil: entertainment & political leadership. In: Masterman, L. (ed.) Television Mythologies: Stars, Shows and Signs. Series: Comedia series (24). Comedia Publishing Group/MK Media Press: London, pp. 49-53. ISBN 9780906890554


Paterson, R. and Schlesinger, P. (1983) State Heroes for the Eighties. Screen, 24(3), pp. 55-73. (doi: 10.1093/screen/24.3.55)


Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (1981) Coronation Street. Series: Television monographs (13). BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851701103

Paterson, R. (1981) Gangsters: the pleasure and the pain in the text. In: Bennett, T. (ed.) Popular Television and Film. BFI Pub. in association with the Open University Press: London, pp. 79-82. ISBN 9780851701158

Paterson, R. (1981) The production context of Coronation Street. In: Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (eds.) Coronation Street. BFI Publishing: London, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9780851701103

Paterson, R. , Bazalgette, C., Cook, J. and Lusted, D. (1981) Signs of racism. Multiracial Education, 9(2),

Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (1981) Street life. In: Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (eds.) Coronation Street. BFI Publishing: London, pp. 81-98. ISBN 9780851701103


Bazalgette, C. and Paterson, R. (1980) Real entertainment: the Iranian embassy siege. Screen Education, 37, pp. 55-67.

Paterson, R. (1980) Planning the family: the 'art' of scheduling. Screen Education, 1980(35), pp. 79-85.


Paterson, R. (1976) The Sweeney: a Euston Films product. Screen Education(20),

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 17:13:21 2025 GMT.
Number of items: 58.


Paterson, R. (2022) Handmaidens of consolidation in the UK television production sector. Journal of Media Business Studies, 19(3), pp. 168-184. (doi: 10.1080/16522354.2021.1952037)

Paterson, R. (2017) Early independent production entrepreneurs in UK television: agents of a neo-liberal intervention. International Journal of Entrepreneurial Venturing, 9(3), pp. 280-298. (doi: 10.1504/IJEV.2017.086496)

Paterson, R. (2010) The contingencies of creative work in television. Open Communication Journal, 4, pp. 1-9.

Paterson, R. (2010) The contingencies of creative work in television. Open Communication Journal, 4, pp. 1-9. (doi: 10.2174/1874916X01004010001)

Doyle, G. and Paterson, R. (2008) Public policy and independent television production in the UK. Journal of Media Business Studies, 5(3), pp. 15-31.

Paterson, R. (2004) Making the National Film and Television Archive accessible. Multimedia Information and Technology, 30(4),

Paterson, R. (2001) Work histories in television. Media, Culture and Society, 23(4), pp. 495-520. (doi: 10.1177/016344301023004005)

Dex, S., Paterson, R. , Willis, J. and Sheppard, E. (2000) Freelance workers and contract uncertainty: the effects of contractual changes in the television industry. Work, Employment and Society, 14(2), pp. 283-305. (doi: 10.1177/09500170022118419)

Paterson, R. (1997) Dawn of the digits: the BFI and the information society. Literary and Linguistic Computing, 12(4), pp. 283-286. (doi: 10.1093/llc/12.4.283)

Paterson, R. and Schlesinger, P. (1983) State Heroes for the Eighties. Screen, 24(3), pp. 55-73. (doi: 10.1093/screen/24.3.55)

Paterson, R. , Bazalgette, C., Cook, J. and Lusted, D. (1981) Signs of racism. Multiracial Education, 9(2),

Bazalgette, C. and Paterson, R. (1980) Real entertainment: the Iranian embassy siege. Screen Education, 37, pp. 55-67.

Paterson, R. (1980) Planning the family: the 'art' of scheduling. Screen Education, 1980(35), pp. 79-85.

Paterson, R. (1976) The Sweeney: a Euston Films product. Screen Education(20),


Doyle, G. , Paterson, R. and Barr, K. (2021) Television Production in Transition: Independence, Scale, Sustainability and the Digital Challenge. Series: Palgrave Global Media Policy and Business. Springer: Cham, Switzerland. ISBN 9783030632144 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-030-63215-1)

Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (1981) Coronation Street. Series: Television monographs (13). BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851701103

Book Sections

Paterson, R. (2017) The British Film Institute: between culture and industry. In: Hunter, I.Q., Porter, L. and Smith, J. T. (eds.) Routledge Companion to British Cinema. Routledge, pp. 242-250. ISBN 9780415706193

Paterson, R. (2016) Navigating the governmentality of film in the UK. In: Robins, K. and Şeyben, B. Y. (eds.) Cultural Policy and Management Research Centre (KPY) Yearbook 2014-2015: Cultural Interventions. Istanbul Bilgi University Press: Istanbul, pp. 45-51. ISBN 9786053994367

Paterson, R. (2014) Partnerships with a purpose: creating cultural and commercial value in the UK film sector. In: Greenaway, D. and Rudd, C. D. (eds.) The Business Growth Benefits of Higher Education. Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 136-148. ISBN 9781349457809

Paterson, R. (2012) The BFI and television. In: Nowell-Smith, G. and Dupin, C. (eds.) The British Film Institute, the Government and Film Culture, 1933-2000. Manchester University Press: Manchester. ISBN 9780719079085

Paterson, R. (2012) Working as a freelance in UK television. In: Dawson, A. and Holmes, S. (eds.) Working in the Global Film Industries: Systems, Space, Patronage and Creativity. Bloomsbury Academic: London ; New York, pp. 91-108. ISBN 9781780930206

Doyle, G. and Paterson, R. (2010) Die produktion unabhängigen fersehens in Grossbritannien. Öffentliche politik, kreativität und wachstum. In: Lantzsch, K., Altmeppen, K.D. and Will, A. (eds.) Handbuch Unterhaltungsproduktion : Beschaffung und Produktion von Fernsehunterhaltung. Series: The business of entertainment: medien, märkte, management. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften: Wiesbaden, Germany, pp. 34-66. ISBN 9783531160016

Paterson, R. (2005) Archive-Culture-Creativity. In: City+Culture+Human. Asian Culture Symposium: Gwangju, South Korea.

Paterson, R. (2003) Education, Information and Archives - the BFI in the Digital World. In: European Audiovisual Observatory, (ed.) Transparency: 10 Years of Transparency in the Audiovisual Sector. European Audiovisual Observatory: Strasbourg.

Paterson, R. (2002) Sclerosis of the schedules: UK TV fiction in 2001. In: Buonnano, M. (ed.) Eurofiction: Television Fiction in Europe Report 2002. European Audiovisual Observatory: Strasbourg.

Paterson, R. (2002) A framework for the analysis of television. In: Briggs, A. and Cobley, P. (eds.) The Media: An Introduction (Second Edition). Longman: Harlow, England ; New York, pp. 135-147. ISBN 9780582423466

Paterson, R. (2001) The television labour market in Britain. In: Tunstall, J. (ed.) Media Occupations and Professions: A Reader. Series: Oxford readers in media and communication. Oxford University Press: Oxford, pp. 203-213. ISBN 9780198742463

Paterson, R. (1999) Accommodating to the market or creating quality? British Tv fiction in 1997. In: Buonanno, M. (ed.) Shifting Landscapes: Television Fiction in Europe. University of Luton Press: Luton, pp. 97-107. ISBN 9781860205668

Paterson, R. (1999) Freunde, Trottel und Pferde: Fiktionale Fernsehendungen in Grossbrtitannien in Jahr 1996. In: Buonanno, M. (ed.) Eurofiction 1: Fiktionale Fernsehendung in Europa. Halem: Cologne. ISBN 9783931606282

Paterson, R. (1999) Tracking the television audience. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Audiences: Multiple Voices. Series: Interferenze (3). Edizioni Fondazione Hypercampo: Florence.

Paterson, R. (1997) British TV fiction in the Nineties. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Television Fiction and Identities: America, Europe, Nations. Ipermedium: Naples. ISBN 9788886908115

Paterson, R. (1997) Evidence of identities. In: Bechelloni, G. and Buonanno, M. (eds.) Television Fiction and Identities: America, Europe, Nations. Ipermedium: Naples. ISBN 9788886908115

Paterson, R. (1997) Policy implications of economic and cultural value chains. In: Lange, U. T. and Goldhammer, K. (eds.) Exploring the Limits: Europe's Changing Communication Environment. Springer: Berlin, pp. 169-186. ISBN 9783642645365 (doi: 10.1007/978-3-642-60746-2_9)

Paterson, R. (1995) Is there a need for a European film policy? In: Contamine, C. and van Dusseldorp, M. (eds.) Towards the Digital Revolution: European Television and Film Between Market and Regulation. European Institute for the Media: Düsseldorf. ISBN 9783929673159

Paterson, R. (1995) London life, London television. In: Petrie, D. and Willis, J. (eds.) Television and the Household: Reports from the BFI's Audience Tracking Study. Series: BFI working papers (4). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 65-75. ISBN 9780851705040

Paterson, R. (1993) New model BBC. In: Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (eds.) Reinventing the Organisation. Series: The BBC charter review series (4). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 15-30. ISBN 9780851704272

Paterson, R. (1992) Changing conditions of independent productions in the UK. In: Petrie, D. J. (ed.) New Questions of British Cinema. Series: BFI working papers (2). BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851703220

Paterson, R. (1991) Organisation et Financement de la Television Regionale. In: Musso, P. (ed.) Regions d'Europe et Television. Editions Miroir. ISBN 9782840030034

Paterson, R. (1990) The economic organisation of TV production. In: Paterson, R. (ed.) Organising for Change. Series: The broadcasting debate (1). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 44-64. ISBN 9780851702513

Paterson, R. (1990) A suitable schedule for the family. In: Goodwin, A. and Whannel, G. (eds.) Television Studies. Routledge: London, pp. 30-41. ISBN 9780415016728

Stevenson, W. and Paterson, R. (1990) A channel in the public interest. In: Blanchard, S. (ed.) The Challenge of Channel Five. Series: The broadcasting debate (7). BFI Publishing: London, pp. 54-59. ISBN 9780851702872

Paterson, R. (1987) Restyling masculinity: the impact of Boys from the Blackstuff. In: Curran, J., Smith, A. and Wingate, P. (eds.) Impacts and Influences: Essays on Media Power in the Twentieth Century. Methuen & Co. Ltd: London, pp. 218-230. ISBN 9780416006025

Paterson, R. (1984) Fragments of Neil: entertainment & political leadership. In: Masterman, L. (ed.) Television Mythologies: Stars, Shows and Signs. Series: Comedia series (24). Comedia Publishing Group/MK Media Press: London, pp. 49-53. ISBN 9780906890554

Paterson, R. (1981) Gangsters: the pleasure and the pain in the text. In: Bennett, T. (ed.) Popular Television and Film. BFI Pub. in association with the Open University Press: London, pp. 79-82. ISBN 9780851701158

Paterson, R. (1981) The production context of Coronation Street. In: Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (eds.) Coronation Street. BFI Publishing: London, pp. 53-66. ISBN 9780851701103

Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (1981) Street life. In: Dyer, R., Geraghty, C., Jordan, M., Lovell, T., Paterson, R. and Stewart, J. (eds.) Coronation Street. BFI Publishing: London, pp. 81-98. ISBN 9780851701103

Edited Books

Smith, A. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1998) Television: An International History. Oxford University Press: Oxford. ISBN 9780198159285

Gow, J., Paterson, R. and Preston, A. (Eds.) (1996) Bosnia by Television. BFI: London. ISBN 0851706126

Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1993) Hollywood of Europe? The Future of British Film. Series: UK film initiatives. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851704654

Drummond, P., Paterson, R. and Willis, J. (Eds.) (1993) National Identity and Europe: the Television Revolution. Series: European media monographs. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851703824

Mulgan, G. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1993) Reinventing the Organisation. Series: BBC charter review series. BFI: London. ISBN 0851704271

Paterson, R. (Ed.) (1990) Organising for Change. Series: The Broadcasting Debate. BFI Publishing: London. ISBN 9780851702513

Drummond, P. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1988) Television and its Audience: International Research Perspectives ; a Selection of Papers from the Second International Television Studies Conference London, 1986. British Film Institute: London. ISBN 9780851702247

Drummond, P. and Paterson, R. (Eds.) (1985) Television in Transition: Papers from the First International Television Studies Conference. British Film Institute: London. ISBN 9780851701820

Paterson, R. (Ed.) (1984) Boys from the Blackstuff. Series: BFI dossier. BFI: London.

Research Reports or Papers

Paterson, R. (2018) Modelling the Evolution of the TV Drama Production Sector in the UK. [Research Reports or Papers]

Paterson, R. (2017) The competition discourse in British broadcasting policy. [Research Reports or Papers]

Paterson, R. , Sheppard, E., Willis, J. and Dex, S. (1999) Television Industry Tracking Study: Third Report. [Research Reports or Papers]

This list was generated on Wed Feb 12 17:13:21 2025 GMT.