Our blog highlights the work that we carry out at the Centre and aims to provide an insight into the world of scientific research. Feel free to contact Miss Hannah Bialic with any feedback, or request a topic to be covered.

Castellani vs Bruce: the controversial discovery of the cause of sleeping sickness (3)
Tue, 11 May 2021 13:44:00 BST

Castellani vs Bruce: the controversial discovery of the cause of sleeping sickness (2)
Wed, 05 May 2021 11:54:00 BST

Castellani vs Bruce: the controversial discovery of the cause of sleeping sickness (1)
Thu, 29 Apr 2021 10:49:00 BST

Middle East Biology of Parasitism (MeBoP) – bringing scientists together from areas of conflict
Thu, 06 Sep 2018 11:33:00 BST

Know your enemy: the key to fighting parasitic diseases
Wed, 26 Jul 2017 10:42:00 BST