University of Glasgow Carbon Footprint Tool for Researchers
The Centre for Sustainable Solutions has developed a simple Excel-based tool to help academic members of staff at the University of Glasgow to determine the carbon footprint of either a research project or group. We hope that the tool will help you explore pathways for reducing the overall environmental impact of your research activities.
A carbon footprint is the term given to the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions produced as a result of a specific human activity. Footprints can relate to the manufacture of a product or the impact of an individual person, project, or organisation and are normally measured in tons of carbon dioxide equivalents (tCO2e). Carbon footprint calculations allow us to measure, understand and therefore more effectively manage our environmental impacts.
The carbon footprint tool utilises benchmark data sourced from the University of Glasgow's Public Sector Climate Change 2019 report1 and a study2 that evaluates energy use in multiple UK universities. Procurement emissions are calculated using the Higher Education Supply Chain Emissions Tool V3.5 (HESCET)3. Carbon intensity factors are obtained from the UK Government greenhouse gas reporting 2021 database4.
Please contact sustainable-solutions@glasgow.ac.uk if you require further support or have any comments on how we can improve the tool further.
Download: University of Glasgow carbon footprint tool
Please note: This tool was developed for the University of Glasgow research community using data and calculations specific to our needs. We welcome queries from other universities and organisations interested in developing their own tool. Contact us at sustainable-solutions@glasgow.ac.uk.
[1] University of Glasgow. Public Sector Climate Change Duties 2019 Summary Report. https://www.gla.ac.uk/media/Media_710215_smxx.pdf
[2] Hawkins D, Mumovic D. Evaluating determinants of energy use in higher education buildings using artificial neural networks - an enhanced study. Portugal SB13 - Contribution of Sustainable Building to Meet EU 20-20-20 Targets. October 13. Guimaraes, Portugal. http://dx.doi.org/10.13140/2.1.2448.8326
[3] Higher Education Procurement Association. Scope 3 Tool: February 2021 HESCET Update. https://hepa.ac.uk/Resources/News/View?g=bfb63e6a-0a46-47b4-a513-7de54610e191&m=2&y=2021&t=Scope%203%20Tool:%20February%202021%20HESCET%20Update
[4] UK Government. Greenhouse gas reporting: conversion factors 2021. https://www.gov.uk/government/publications/greenhouse-gas-reporting-conversion-factors-2021
- For queries on using this tool: sustainable-solutions@glasgow.ac.uk.
- Download the tool: University of Glasgow carbon footprint tool.
- Please note: This tool was developed for the University of Glasgow research community using data and calculations specific to our needs. We welcome queries from other universities and organisations interested in developing their own tool. Contact us at sustainable-solutions@glasgow.ac.uk.